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OCR A - A Level Physics
> 3.4.4 Polarisation > Flashcards
3.4.4 Polarisation Flashcards
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OCR A - A Level Physics
(126 decks)
1.1.1 SI Units
1.1.2 Prefixes, Standard Form & Conversions
1.2.1 Errors
1.2.2 Uncertainty
1.3.1 Scalars & Vectors
1.3.2 Resolving Vectors
2.1.1 Linear motion
2.1.2 Graphs of motion
2.1.3 Bouncing Ball Example
2.1.4 Gravity
2.1.5 Friction
2.1.6 Terminal Velocity
2.1.8 Projectile Motion
2.2.1 Dynamics
2.2.3 Centre of Mass
2.1.7 Vehicles
2.2.2 Moments
2.2.5 Density & Pressure
2.2.4 Equilibrium
2.3.1 Work & Conservation of Energy
2.3.2 Kinetic & Potential Energy
2.3.3 Power
2.4.1 Springs
2.4.2 Mechanical Properties of Matter
2.4.3 Mechanical Properties of Matter 2
2.4.4 Young's Modulus
2.5.1 Newton's Laws of Motion
2.5.2 Impulse & Momentum
2.5.3 Collisions
2.5.4 Newton's Third Law
3.1.1 Charge
3.1.2 Mean Drift Velocity
3.2.1 Electromotive Force & Potential Difference
3.2.2 Resistance
3.2.3 I-V Characteristics
3.2.4 Resistivity
3.2.5 Power (again)
3.3.1 Series & Parallel
3.3.2 Internal Resistance
3.3.3 Potential Dividers
3.4.1 Waves
3.4.2 Speed & Phase
3.4.3 Wave Motion
3.4.4 Polarisation
3.4.5 Stationary Waves
3.4.6 Stationary Waves (again)
3.5.1 Interference
3.5.2 Interference 2
3.5.3 Diffraction
3.5.4 Diffraction Gratings
3.5.5 Diffraction Grating Equation
3.5.6 Refraction at a Plane Surface
3.5.7 Internal Reflection & Optical Fibre
3.6.1 Photons
3.6.2 The Photoelectric Effect
3.6.3 The Photoelectric Effect Explanation
3.6.4 Wave-Particle Duality
4.1.1 Thermal Energy Transfer
4.1.2 Thermal Energy Transfer Experiments
4.1.3 Ideal Gases
4.1.4 Ideal Gases 2
4.1.5 Boyle's Law & Charles' Law
4.1.6 Molecular Kinetic Theory Model
4.1.7 Molecular Kinetic Theory Model 2
4.2.1 Circular Motion
4.2.2 Circular Motion 2
4.3.1 Simple Harmonic Motion
4.3.2 Simple Harmonic Systems
4.3.3 Damping & Resonance
4.3.4 Simple Harmonic Motion (again)
4.4.1 Newton's Law of Gravitation
4.4.2 Gravitational Field Strength
4.4.3 Gravitational Potential
4.4.4 Planetary Motion
4.4.5 Planetary Motion 2
4.4.6 Escape Velocity & Orbit
4.5.1 Stars
4.5.2 EM Radiation from Stars
4.5.3 Wien's & Stefan's Laws
4.5.4 Distance Measurement
4.5.5 Cosmological Principle
4.5.6 Doppler Effect
4.5.7 Hubble's Law
4.5.8 The Big Bang Theory
5.1.1 Capacitance
5.1.2 Parallel Plate Capacitor
5.1.3 Energy Stored by a Capacitor
5.1.4 Capacitor Discharging
5.1.5 Capacitor Charging
5.2.1 Coulomb's Law
5.2.2 Electric Field Strength
5.2.3 Electric Field Strength 2
5.2.4 Electric Potential
5.2.5 Electric & Gravitational Field
5.3.1 Magnetic Flux Density
5.3.2 Moving Charges in a Magnetic Field
5.3.3 Magnetic Flux & Flux Linkage
5.3.4 Electromagnetic Induction
5.3.5 Electromagnetic Induction 2
5.3.6 Alternating Current
5.3.7 Operation of a Transformer
5.3.8 Magnetic Flux Density (again)
5.4.1 Particles, Antiparticles & Photons
5.4.2 Particle Interactions
5.4.3 Particle Classification
5.4.4 Particle Classification 2
5.4.5 Quarks & Antiquarks
5.4.6 Conservation in Particle Interaction
5.4.7 Rutherford Scattering
5.4.8 Alpha & Beta Radiation
5.4.9 Gamma Radiation
5.4.10 Radioactive Decay
5.4.11 Half Life
5.4.12 Nuclear Instability
5.4.13 Nuclear Radius
5.4.14 Mass & Energy
5.4.15 Binding Energy
5.4.16 Induced Fission
5.4.17 Safety Aspects of Nuclear Reactors
5.4.18 Nuclear Fusion
5.5.1 X-Rays
5.5.2 X-Rays 2
5.5.3 Diagnostic Methods
5.5.4 Diagnostic Methods 2
5.5.5 Ultrasound
5.5.6 Ultrasound 2