3.4 test Flashcards
Allocative Efficiency
Reached when no one can be made better off without making someone the worse off. Also known as Pareto efficiency/ optimality. Occurs when the value that the consumers place on a product ( reflected in the price they are willing and able to pay) equals the marginal cost of factor resources used up in production. The condition required for allocative efficiency in a market is that Price = Marginal Cost Of Supply.
-Maximises total consumer welfare (economic welfare maximised), Consumer and producer surplus maximised.
Price = Marginal Cost of Supply
Productive efficiency
Refers to a state where a company is producing goods or services at lowest possible average cost, using fewest possible resources. This means that a company can produce to maximum output with the given inputs, without any waste or inefficiencies. In other words the company is using resources in the most efficient way possible. Productive efficiency is achieved at an output that minimizes the unit cost (AC) of production. Productive efficiency where AC = MC.
Perfect Competition -> Pure Monopoly
Perfect competition-> monopolistic competition -> oligopoly -> Duopoly -> Monopoly -> Pure Monopoly
as go left gets more competitive ( fewer imperfections)
as go right gets less competitive (greater degree of imperfections)
Perfect Competition Assumptions
A model of an extreme market structure, based on certain assumptions.
Basic Assumptions:
-Homogenous products (they are all perfect substitutes)
-All Firms have equal access to factors of production
-Many buyers + sellers (no monopoly or monopsony power)
-Sellers must act independently (there is no price collusion)
-Free (costless) entry and exit to the market
-Perfectly elastic demand curve for each individual firm
-Perfect knowledge/ info from buyers/ sellers about prices and quality of what is being sold.
-Profit maximisation is assumed as the default objective of firms - (MC=MR) and consumers are assumed to be utility maximisers when making purchasing decisions.
Industry and Firm MC/AC/D/S graphs
-Market price is set in the market
-The market price comes over to the firm and the firm has a perfectly elastic demand curve
-The individual firms supply curve is represented by the MC curve
-The firm will produce at the profit maximisation point (MC=MR)
-In the long run firms will make normal profits (AC=AR)
Abnormal Losses in the SR - graph
-Firms are making abnormal losses
-Because of no exit barriers some firms start to leave the market
-As firms leave the market supply shifts to the left, causing price to rise
-This continues until we attain normal profits in the long run
Abnormal Profits in the SR - graph
-Firms are making abnormal profits
-perfect knowledge- evreyone knows abnormal profits
-Because of no entrance barriers some firms start to enter the market
-As firms enter the market supply shifts to the right, causing prices to fall.
-This continues until we attain normal profits in the long run.
Monopoly Characteristics
- Number and Size of firms that make up the industry- One large dominant firm.
-Control over price or output- Price makers- choose price
-Freedom of entry and exit from the industry- huge barriers, difficult to get in/out
-Nature of the product (degree of homogeneity)- highly differentiated, price inelastic, few substitutes.
-Diogromatic representation- very price inelastic (not perfect)
Pure Monopoly Assumptions
-Single seller of goods/service.
-No substitutes for the good.
-There are barriers to entry into the market.
Pure Monopoly
Where only one producer exists in the industry. In reality, rarely exists - always some form of substitute available.
Monopoly exists therefore where one firm dominates the market.
Firms may be investigated for example of monopoly power when market share exceeds 25%. In 2019, Asda + Sainsburies were going to merge, giving 32% market share, not allowed to happen.
Origins of Monopoly
-Natural Monopoly- usually on a network or grid… wastefull to duplicate.
-Geographical factors - where a country or climate is the only source of supply of a raw material… quite rare. However, consider a single grocery store in an isolated village.
-Government-created monopolies - now sold off
-Through growth of the firm, amalgamation, merger or take over.
-Through acquiring a patent or license
-Through legal means - Royal charter, nationalisation, wholly owned plc.
Monopoly Diagrams
Revenue Maximisation at MR=0.
Abnormal profit at P1abP2
If the market is competitive, then it will be allocatively efficient. Where Demand = Supply. Therefore in a monopoly the consumer faces a higher price (P, rather than P3). The Quantity available to the consumer is lower ( Q* rather than Q1). But because Q restricted to Q* we contract along supply curve to P1.
If the market was competitive we would see P3Q1 therefore consumer surplus of CeP3 and producer surplus of P3eo. At Q* consumer surplus is CaP1 and a consumer loss of consumer surplus of P1aeP3. Original producer surplus of P3eo and new producer surplus of P1afo. Dead weight loss of aef.
Price Discrimination
Price Discrimination occurs when a firm charges a different price to a different group of consumers for an identical good or service, for reasons not associated with the cost of supply.
Price Discrimination occurs in all imperfectly competitive markets.
It is most common in monopolies and oligopoly.
Requires a supplier to have some pricing power.
It has potentially important welfare and distribution effects.
Aims of price discrimination
-Increased Revenue- extracting consumer surplus and turning it into increased producer surplus for the seller.
-Higher profits- Total profit will rise providing the marginal profit from selling to extra consumers is positive.
-Using spare capacity- can help a business make more efficient use of their supply capacity.
3rd Degree Price Discrimination
Charging different prices to groups of people with different price elasticity of demand (PED).