3.3.1 quantitive sales forecasting- moving averages Flashcards
time series analysis
predicting future data by analyzing pattern from past data
moving average
identifies trends easily and more reliable by removing + smoothing fluctuations in data to make an average so decisions can be made
three year moving average trend
year your working out + year before + year after / 3
four year
year your working out + year before + 2 years after (or2ubove) / 4
eight year
year your working outs 4 year moving average + year after 4 year moving average
sales forecasting
estimating future revenue by predicting amount of goods/services a b will sell in a given period of time
moving average trend MAT (trend)
8 year moving average / 8 (or which ever other number divided by how many added e.g. 3 year moving average / 3)
cyclical variant CV
actual sales-MAT
line of best fit
should have equal amount of points on each side.
uses past trends to forecast future by extending line of trend.
limitations of quan sales forecasting
- it makes assumptions- limitation cuz we are not certain that past trends will continue into the future- this is because external factors can play a role such as, consumer trends- occurring demand to change e.g. if theres a chane in tastes and fashion quan sales forecasting wont take this qual data into account, economic variables- exchange rates, interest rates, taxation, competitor actions. -therefore we cannot be certain trends will carry on- if we use this it may lead us to false conclusions and therefore wrong decisions being made, this is a strong limitation for bs in a competitive business environment, always dynamic. if market = volatile when a market or security experiences periods of unpredictable, and sometimes sharp, price movements. (EXTERNAL FACS= CCE economic variables, actions of comp, consumer trends.
COUNTER- regular MR to keep on top of trends - also quan data may lack detail as its hard to determine a cause and effect so we cannot be certain about decisions being made.
- just a forecast will never be 100% accurate
pros of quan sales forecasting
+ good planning tool as predicting future data, helpful to make inofrmed decisons by identifying trends in sales to anticipate future sales. reduces risks and therefore saving costs
+ quick and cheap
+ allows managers to set targets if they can predict future
+ensures you don’t run out of stock and have enough employees working
+planning tool
+ understand the no of sales therefore how many employees are needed
+ could help get loan good for the expansion
- quality of MS, if done poorly or by ppl not experienced may limit the value of this tool
- depends on who makes the forecast, if specialist will be more accurate predictions as can understand market, if person from within the b less accurate as they may be based and predict good figures which may not ACC happen. only as good as the person who made. ACCURACY
- cant say what is happening now will continue in the future
- external shocks
- depends on consumer trends and comp actions
if market is dynamic the b can use extrapolation for predicting just a few steps ahead as the future is more uncertain as if they do more it will be waste of their time and resources they could have used elsewhere such as…