Why do plants require transport systems?
Plants require transport systems for:
- metabolic demands = glucose and oxygen are produced during photosynthesis but not all areas of a plant photosynthesise. ions and hormones also require transporting
- size = some plants are small, but still grown throughout their lives. transport from root to stem tip in large plants
- large SA:V = leaves have a large SA:V for gas exchange and the absorption of light. but stems and trunks have relatively small SA:V, so diffusion in inefficient
What does the xylem do?
The xylem transports water and inorganic ions from the root to the rest of the plant
What does the phloem do?
The phloem transports assimilates from leaves to all other parts of a plant
What is the role of water in plants?
The role of water in plants:
- photosynthesis = reactant
- transport = movement of mineral ions
- stability/structure
- turgor pressure (hydrostatic) = provides plants with a hydrostatic skeleton to support stems and leaves
- cooling plants - loss of water through evaporation allows plants to keep cool
- cell expansion = it is the inward movement of water that causes cells to grow in physical size (and sometimes cause roots to penetrate pavements)
How are root hair cells adapted for water intake?
Root hair cells are adapted for water intake by having a large SA:V ratio, which gives more room for water to enter the cell, and is accompanied by a large number of cells that can be put together, and a small osmotic distance for the faster movement of water. They also have fenestrations that allow water in, and a low water potential inside the cell that allows osmosis to happen and maintains the concentration gradient. Also to maintain the concentration gradient, they allow active transport to occur.
What is the process of osmosis into the xylem?
Osmosis into the xylem:
- water moves along the cortex by osmosis
- as water moves, it increases the water potential of that cell compared to the adjacent cell
- maintains a steep concentration gradient so water can continuously travel through the pathway
What is the symplast pathway?
Symplast pathway:
- water enters cytoplasm through partially permeable cell walls
- goes to adjacent cells through plasmodesmata
- water moves by osmosis as cell water moves into the cytoplasm of adjacent cells as it increases the water potential. this maintains the water potential gradient
What is the apoplast pathway?
Apoplast pathway:
- plant cell walls are made of several layers of cellulose
- water soaks into these walls
- water seeps from cell wall to cell wall through intracellular spaces
- as water moves into the xylem, the cohesive forces pull more water along = creates tension so there is a continuous flow
Why are there two pathways (for cortex water in plants)?
Two pathways:
- importance of 2 pathways varies between plant species and different conditions
- in normal conditions = symplastic pathway is more important
- when there is high rates of transportation, the apoplastic pathway is more important
What is the Casparian strip?
Casparian strip:
- once through the cortex, water reaches the casparian strip = a band of waxy material (suberin) that runs around each of the exothermal cells, forming a waterproof layer
- water travelling along the apoplastic pathway is blocked by the strip. this water must therefore move into the cytoplasm and move via the symplast pathway until it gets through the waterproof layer
- the diversion caused by the casparian strip causes water to move into the cytoplasm via a partially permeable membrane- this excludes any potentially toxic solutes from entering living tissues
Reaching the xylem.
Reaching the xylem:
- endodermal cells move more mineral ions into the xylem by active transport
- this decreases the water potential of the xylem, relative to the endodermal cells
- this increases the rate of water moving into the xylem vessel by osmosis due to a steep water potential gradient
- the active pumping of minerals to produce this movement of water results in root pressure which contributes (independent of transpiration) to water being forced up the xylem
What is the proof of active transport in plants?
Proving active transport:
- cyanide affects mitochondria (therefore ATP production) and when cyanide is applied, root pressure disappears
- root pressure rises and falls with changes in temperature, suggesting chemical reactions (e.g aerobic respiration to produce ATP) are involved
- low oxygen levels (or other respiratory substrates) cause root pressure to fall
- xylem sap is forced out of the xylem of cut stem. this process (guttation) even occurs at night when transpiration is low, suggesting root pressure is the contributing force
What is transpiration?
Transpiration is the loss of water vapour from the stems and leaves of a plant, as a result of evaporation from cell surfaces inside the leaf and diffusion down a concentrated gradient through the stomata
How does transpiration work?
How transpiration works:
- water molecules evaporate from the surface of mesophyll cells into the air spaces in the leaf and diffuse out of the stomata into the surrounding air by diffusion, down a concentration gradient
- the loss of water by evaporation from a mesophyll cell lowers the water potential of the cell, so water moves in from the adjacent cell by osmosis (along both apoplast and symplast pathways)
- this is repeated across the leaf to the xylem. water moves out of the xylem by osmosis
Hydrostatic pressure (transpiration).
Hydrostatic pressure:
- removal of water from the top of the xylem also reduces the hydrostatic pressure
- gradient allows water to move upwards
- lignin wall prevents the vessel from collapsing under tension
What is the transpiration pull?
Transpiration pull:
- combined forces of adhesion and cohesion in the xylem result in water exhibiting capillary action
= how water can moves xylem vessels against gravity is called transpiration pull
- cohesion = h2o molecules stick and move together
- adhesion = h2o molecules stick to carbohydrates in xylem wall
What is the cohesion tension theory?
The cohesion tension theory is the model of water moving through the soil in a continuous stream up the xylem and across the leaf
What is the evidence for cohesion tension theory?
Evidence for cohesion tension theory:
A- changes in the diameter of trees = increases in transpiration in the day correlated with an increase in tension and therefore a decrease in diameter
B- broken xylem vessels = when flower stems are cut flower stems to be put in water, air is drawn in but water does not leak out
C- air entering xylem = of air enters the xylem, cohesive forces can no longer move water molecules up the stem
What are hydrophytes and how are the adapted to aid survival?
Hydrophytes are plants that live near water and are adapted to survive in areas of high water availability
- very thin or no waxy cuticle
- many, always open stomata
- reduced structure to the plant
- wide, flat leaves
- small roots
- large surface area of stems and roots under water
- air sacs
- aerenchyma
- pneumatophores
= e.g water lillies
What are xerophytes and how are they adapted to aid survival?
Xerophytes are plants adapted to live in areas of love water availability
- thick waxy cuticle
- sunken stomata
- reduced numbers of stomata
- reduced leaves
- hairy leaves
- curled leaves
- succulents
- leaf loss
- root adaptations
- e.g cacti, marram grass
What is the role of the stomata in transpiration?
During transpiration, the guard cells on the stomata open and close to allow gas exchange and try prevent water loss
How to guard cells open and close?
Guard cells open when K+ ions move into the guard cells and increase the concentration, which causes the cells to swell and open.
Guard cells close when K+ ions move out and decrease the concentration, which causes cells to become less swollen and change shape and close as a result of osmotic forces
How does light intensity effect transpiration rate?
Low light intensity:
-stomata closes in dark
- rate of water diffusing out decreases, decreases evap rate from leaf surface
- overall decreases transpiration rate
High light intensity:
- increasing numbers of open stomata
- increases rate of water vapour diffusing out, increases evap rate from leaf surface
- overall increases transpiration rate
How does humidity effect transpiration rate?
High humidity:
- reduced water potential gradient between inside of leaf and air
- overall decreases rate of transpiration
Low humidity:
- increases water vapour potential gradient between inside of leaf and air
- overall increases rate of transpiration
How does temperature increase transpiration rate?
High temperature:
- increased kinetic energy of h2o molecules
- increases rate of evap from spongy mesophyll cells into air and spaces of leaf
- increases concentration of water vapour in air, decreases humidity
- overall increases rate of transpiration
Low temperature:
- decreases kinetic energy of h2o molecules
- decreases rate of evap from spongy mesophyll cells into air and spaces of leaf
- decreases concentration of water vapour in air, increases humidity
- overall decreases rate of transpiration
How does air movement effect transpiration rate?
High wind speed:
- water potential around stomata decreases, increases diffusion gradient
- overall increases the rate of transpiration
Low wind speed:
- water potential around stomata increases, decreases diffusion gradient
- overall decreases the rate of transpiration
How does soil water availability effect transpiration rate?
High water availability:
- enough water for plant
- overall increases transpiration rate
Low water availability:
- dry soil = plant under stress, not enough water for plant
- overall decreases transpiration rate
How does the stomata open via potassium pump?
The potassium pump transports potassium ions into the guard cells by active transport. This lowers the water potential off the cell and water moves in by osmosis- the influx of water causes the guard cells to become turgid asymmetrically as the inner region of cell wall is thicker. This causes the stomata to open
How does the stomata close via potassium pump?
The potassium pump transports potassium out of the guard cells by active transport. This increases the water potential of the cell and water moves out by osmosis- the loss of water causes the guard cell to become flaccid and the stomata closes.
When setting up a potometer, what must you do?
When setting up a potometer, you must:
- ensure its a healthy shoot
- cut the shoot at a slant underwater
- contain no air bubbles
- make it air tight using vaseline
- use a distance scale
- have enough water available for uptake
What is translocation?
Translocation is the transport of assimilates (e.g sucrose) through phloem tissue. it requires the input of metabolic energy
What are sources and sinks?
Sources and sinks:
- translocation always transports assimilates from sources, where it is made, to sinks, where it can be used
- main sources = green leaves and stems, storage organs (tubers), food stores in germinating seeds
- main sinks = actively growing roots, meristems that are actively dividing, plant food stores (fruits, seeds)
What is the process of the active loading of sucrose?
Active loading sucrose:
1. H+ ions are transported out of companion cells using ATP
2. excess H+ ions build up outside companion cells
3. H+ ions transport back into the cell down a concentration gradient through a co-transport protein and sucrose is taken with it
4. sucrose then moves into the sieve element (through plasmodesmata) by diffusion
What is turgor pressure in transport in the phloem?
Turgor pressure:
- sucrose entering companion cells and sieve tubes lowers the water potential and water moves in by osmosis
- leads to a build up of turgor pressure due to rigid cell walls and water carrying assimilates moves into sieve tube elements
- water moves up or down the plant by mass flow to areas of lower pressure
What is unloading- phloem to sink?
Unloading- phloem to sink:
- mass flow of sucrose largely occurs due to pressure differences
- the plant actively loads sucrose into the sieve tube elements from the source. sucrose lowers the water potential of the sap so water moves into the sieve element by osmosis
- when sucrose is removed from the phloem it raises the water potential. water leaves the sieve element down a water potential gradient to the sink
What is the evidence for translocation?
Evidence for translocation:
- advances in microscopy allows us to see the adaptations of companion cells for active transport
- if the mitochondria of companion cells are poisoned (e.g with cyanide) translocation stops
- the flow of sugars in the phloem is much faster than if it were to be transported by diffusion alone
- studying aphids has found that there is a faster rate of flow near the source due to a steeper pressure gradient between the aphid and the sap