3.3 Terms Flashcards
appeal to unqualified authority
a variety of the argument from authority and occurs when the cited authority or witness lacks credibility.
appeal to ignorance
When the premises of an argument state that nothing has been proved one way or the other about something, and the conclusion then makes a definite assertion about that thing, the argument commits an appeal to ignorance
Hasty generalization
a fallacy that affects inductive generalizations. Proceeds from the particular to the whole. The fallacy occurs when there is a reasonable likelihood that the sample is not representative of the group. Such a likelihood may arise if the sample is either too small or not randomly selected
false cause
occurs whenever the link between premises and conclusion depends on some imagined causal connection that probably does not exist
post hoc ergo propter hoc
after this, therefore on account of this”). This variety of the fallacy pre- supposes that just because one event precedes another event, the first event causes the second
non causa pro causa
not the cause for the cause”). This variety is committed when what is taken to be the cause of something is not really the cause at all and the mistake is based on something other than mere temporal succession.
oversimplified cause
A third variety of the false cause fallacy, and one that is probably committed more often than either of the others in their pure form, is oversimplified cause. This variety occurs when a multitude of causes is responsible for a certain effect but the arguer selects just one of these causes and represents it as if it were the sole cause (Hurley 153).
the gambler’s fallacy
The last variety of false cause we will consider is called the gambler’s fallacy. This fallacy is committed whenever the conclusion of an argument depends on the supposition that independent events in a game of chance are causally related.
slippery slope
a variety of the false cause fallacy. It occurs when the conclusion of an argument rests on an alleged chain reaction and there is not sufficient reason to think that the chain reaction will actually take place
weak analogy
committed when the analogy is not strong enough to support the conclusion that is drawn.