3.3 Slope processes Flashcards
Mass movement
Downslope movement of rock and weathered debris by gravity alone.
The surface cover of loose, unconsolidated material including alluvium, glacial deposits, and peat.
Soil creep
Slow, downslope movement of unconsolidated material.
The downslope movement of material due to freezing and thawing.
Accelerated soil creep that occurs in permafrost areas, even on gentle slopes.
Plastic flow
The way solids can deform in a ductile manner under stresses such as gravity.
Small ridges, caused by soil creep, running across slopes.
A mudflow on the slopes of active volcanoes when ash mixes with water from torrential rainstorms.
Shear stress
The force acting to cause movement
Shear strength
The resistance of a body of rock to gravity
Bedding plane
The surface that separates each successive layer of a stratified rock from its preceding layer
Planar slide
Weathered rock moves downhill leaving behind it a flat rupture surface.
Rotational slide
Rock moves downwards and a curved rupture surface is produced.
Sheet erosion
Removal of soil or sediment from the ground surface in a roughly uniform layer.
Removal of soil from a wide area by a thin sheet of water moving over a gentle slope.
A fine network of channels in the land surface.
Stresses which slide past each other.