3.3 organisms exchange substances with their environment Flashcards
smaller organisms = ___ SA
how does volume of an organisms increase with size
as the size of an organism increases, its volume increases faster than its surface area.
features of specialised exchange surfaces
- large sa:v ratio which increases rate of exchange
- very thin memrane so short diffusion pathway, materials cross exchange surface rapidly
- selectively permeable to allow selected materials to cross
- movement of environmental medium. e.g. air to maintain a diffusion gradient
- transport system to ensure the movement of the internal medium e.g blood. in order to maintain a diffusion gradient
how is body shape changed to adapt to gas exchange
- flattened shape so short diffusion pathway
- specialised exchange surfaces with large SA:V ratio
how to calculate area of spherical item
how to calculate surface area of a spherical item
2πrh + 2πr²
relationship between sa:v ratio and metabolic rate
smaller organisms have a higher basal metabolic rate per unit of body mass
high metabolic rate = more materials exchanged
route taken by oxygen as it moves from the outside into the cytoplasm of a respiring cell
spiracles -> trachea -> tracheoles -> tips
gas exchange in single celled organisms
- small therefore large sa:v ratio
- oxygen absorbed by diffusion across body surface.
- carbon dioxide from respiration diffuses out of body surface
- no additonal barriers to the diffusion of gases
what is the tracheal system
network of air filled tubes which become progressively narrower and reach most cells, and so a transport system for oxygen and carbon dioxide isn’t necessary
what are spiracles
openings in insects, valves may open and close. gas enters and leave trachea through this
when open, water vapour can evapourate from the insect, so insects keep spiracles closed to prevent water loss
tracheae vs tracheoles
tracheae: internal network of tubes, supported by rings of chitin to prevent collapsing
tracheoles: tracheae is divided further into these blind ending, narrow and project into/between cells. some tracheoles modified to form air sacs around organs. oxygen bought directly from tracheoles to respiring cells. extend throughout all body tissues as there is a short diffusion pathway from the tracheoles to any body cell
tips of tracheoles
branched = large sa
one cell thick walls
fluid filled = moist
relationship between diffusion and factors that affect diffusion
diffusion ∝ (surface area x difference in concentration/ length of diffusion path )
three ways gas moves in and out of the tracheal system
- along a diffusion gradient
- mass transport
- ends of tracheoles are filled with water
how do gases move out of tracheal system along a diffusion gradient
- when cells are respiring, oxygen used up so concentration towards ends of tracheoles falls
- creates a diffusion gradient; causes oxygen to diffuse from atmosphere along the tracheae and tracheoles to the cells
- carbon dioxide produced by cells during respiration
- creates a diffusion gradient in the opposite direction.
- causes carbon dioxide to diffuse along tracheoles and tracheae from cells to atmosphere.
how do gases move out of tracheal system by mass transport
- contractions of muscles in insects can squeeze trachea, enabling mass movement of air in and out.
- speeds up exchange of respiratory gases
how do gases move out of tracheoles system by ends of water filled tracheoles
- during major activity, muscle cells resipire anerobically
- produces lactate: soluble and lowers water potential of muscle cells
- therefore water moves from tracheoles into cells by osmosis
- decrease in volume of water in tracheoles and draws air further in them
- final diffusion pathway is in gas rather than liquid, so diffusion is more rapid.
structure of gills
- made up of filaments
- these are stacked up
- at right angles to the filaments are the gill lamellae, which increase the surface area for the gills
- water taken in through the mouth and forced over gills
explain the counter current flow
- lamellae consists of a single layer of flattened cells that cover a vast network of capillaries
- capillary system within lamellae ensures that the blood flow is in opposite direction to flow of water
- this ensures concentration gradient is maintained along the length of the capillary
why is a counter current flow system needed
if the water and blood flowed in the same direction, the diffusion gradient would only be maintained across part of the length of the gill lamellae and only 50% of the available oxygen would be absorbed by the blood
structure of a leaf
waxy cuticle
upper epidermis - tightly packed cells
palisade mesophyll - layer of elongated cells containing chloroplasts
spongy mesophyll - contains an extensive network of air spaces
guard cells - pair of cells that control the opening and closing of stomata
stomata - small pores (short diffusion pathway) on underside of leaf which allows air to enter
lower epidermis - tightly packed cells
- each stoma surrounded by pair of guard cells
- these cells can open and close the stomatal pore
- important cause organisms lose water via evapouration so the stomata closes at times when water loss would be excessive
limiting water loss in terrestrial insects
- small sa:v ratio, minimises area over which water is lost
- waterproof chitin covered by waxy cuticle
- spiracles can be closed to reduce water loss. this conflicts with the need for oxygen so occurs largely whilst the insect is at rest
limiting water loss in xerophytic plants
- dont have small sa:v cause photosynthesis requires a large sa for capture of light
- waterproof coverings
- ability to close stomata when needed
- certain plants with a restricted supply of water have also evolved a range of other adaptations to limit water loss through transpiration, these plants are called xerophytes
what are xerophytes
plants that are adapted to living in areas where water is in short supply
how have leaves modified to limit water loss
- thick cuticle: waxy cuticle but 10% water loss can still occur. thicker the cuticle = less evapouration
- rolling up of leaves: traps a region of still air within the rolled leaf and this region becomes saturated with water vapour so has a very high water potential, no water potential gradient between inside and outside of leaf and therefore no water loss.
- hairy leaves: thick layer of hairs on leaves, moist air next to leaf surface, water potential gradient between inside and outside of leaf is reduced and therefore less water lost by evapouration
stomata in pits and grooves: trap still most air next to leaf and reduce water potential gradient.
reduced sa:v ratio: smaller sa:v ratio, slower rate of diffusion. leaves that are small and roughly circular in cross-section can reduce rate of water loss considerably.
components of the human gas exchange system
the lungs
- pair of lobed structures
- made up of highly branched bronchioles, which end in tiny air sacs called alveoli
- flexible airway
- supported by rings of cartilage
- cartilage prevents trachea collapsing as the air pressure inside falls when breathing in
- tracheal walls made up of muscle, lined with ciliated epithelium and goblet cells
- two divisions of the trachea, each leading to one lung
- similar in structure to trachea and also produce mucus to trap dirt particles and have cilia that move the mucus towards the throat
- larger bronchi supported by cartilage
- series of branching subdivisions of the bronchi
- walls made up of muscle lined with epithelial cells
- muscle allows them to constrict so they can control the flow of air in and out the alveoli
- minute air sacs
- diameter of between 100µm and 300µm at the end of the bronchioles
- between alveoli there are some collagen and elastic fibres
- alveoli lined with epithelium
- elastic fibres allow alveoli to stretch as they fill the air when breathing in.
- then they spring back during breathing out in order to expel the carbon dioxide rich air.
- alveolar membrane = gas exchange surface
essential features of alveolar epithelium as a gas exchange surface
- large sa = many alveoli and pulmonary capillaries in lungs
- thin alveolar and capillary walls, one cell thick, short diffusion distance.
- distance between alveolar air and rbc is reduced as rbc are flattened against capillary walls
- moist walls = gases dissolve in the moisture helping them to pass across gas exchange surface.
- permeable walls = allow gases to pass through.
- extensive blood supply = ensuring oxygen rich blood taken away from lungs and carbon dioxide rich blood is taken to lungs.
- large diffusion gradient -
blood flow through capillaries maintains concentration gradient, breathing maintains high oxygen concentration in alveoli compared to capillaries so oxygen moves from alveoli to blood. - rbc slowed as they pass through pulmonary capillaries, allowing more time for diffusion
route taken by oxygen as it moves from air outside a mammal to the cytoplasm of the rbc
mouth - buccal cavity - trachea - bronchus - bronchioles - alveolar duct - alveolus - squamous epithelial cell - capillary endothelial cell - blood plasma - rbc cell membrane
inspiration vs expiration
inspiration = active process and requires energy
expiration = passive process but requires a little energy