Testing conducted by the FDNY and NIST showed an immediate
50% decrease in temperatures and significant reduction in flame production when the fire window blanket is properly deployed
The fire window blanket is deployed from
The floor above or 2 floors above
The fire window blanket may be used as pre-deployment option to
Cover a window PRIOR to it failing in order to prevent a wind driven fire
When members are in the apartment above the fire they must notify the
IC that the target window has been identified and are preparing the blanket for deployment
Firefighters deploying the blanket from a window above the fire apartment MUST
Not remove the window to deploy the blanket unless absolutely necessary
Removal of window is seldom
Required from a position ABOVE the fire
Upon approval by the IC and after checking that the members have secured their straps in the adjacent windows above the fire the member with the blanket
Throws the blanket away from the building
When the blanket is properly positioned all members shall
Secure their straps
Members must notify the IC when
The fire window blanket is properly positioned and secured
What units can be used to deploy the fire window blanket
Any unit or units
The IC shall designate a spotter to
Observe the deployment of the blanket from the exterior. The spotter shall monitor the deployment and effect of the fire window blanket on the fire situation and report the results including any changes in fire conditions to the IC
The spotter should be equipped with
Binoculars from battalion vehicle
The blanket can be lowered from
2 floors above the fire if the IC deems it is necessary
Just before the blanket is put in place, the IC MUST
Make an HT announcement to all units. All units must be instructed to report any adverse conditions caused by the blanket being put in place
The blanket is large enough to cover
2 windows if necessary