33 송편을 만드는 체험도 할 수 있어요 Flashcards
after a while
Lunar New Year’s Day
한복을 입다
to wear Hanbok (the traditional
Korean clothes)
to give a New Year’s bow
덕담을 하다
to give words of blessing
덕담을 듣다
to receive words of blessing
세뱃돈을 주다
to give New Year’s cash gift
세뱃돈을 받다
to receive New Year’s cash gifts
떡국을 먹다
to eat Tteokguk
Sliced Rice Cake Soup
윷놀이를 하다
to play Yut
attached to a verb or an adjective, is used to convey a supposition, a guess, or a thought of a fi rst person (a speaker) about the condition or the situation in which an action takes place.
전통 놀이
traditional Korean game
고향에 내려가다
to go to one’s hometown
친척집에 가다
to go to a relatives’ house
차례를 지내다
to have a ritual for
one’s ancestors
to bow
to pay one’s respects at one’s
ancestors’ grave
송편을 만들다
to make Songpyeon
Half-moon-Rice Cake
보름달을 보다
to see the full moon
소원을 빌다
to make a wish
A noun modifier, indicates that an action or an
incident is taking place now