3.2.1 Utilitarianism Flashcards
What are normative ethical theories?
‘Normative ethics’ is the branch of philosophy that discusses theories of how to live and what we should do. Utilitarianism is one of these theories.
What is utilility
Jeremy Bentham, the founding father of utilitarianism, defined utility as the tendency of something to produce benefit, advantage, good or happiness or to prevent mischief, pain, evil or unhappiness.
What are the three terms that define utilitarianism?
- Act consequentialism
- Hedonism
- Equality.
What is act consequentialism?
Actions are morally right or wrong depending on their consequences and nothing else. An act is right if it maximises what is good.
What is hedonism?
The only thing that is good is happiness, understood as pleasure and the absence of pain. This is ‘hedonism’
What is equality? (in relation to utilitarianism)
No one’s happiness counts more than anyone else’s.
hedonistic act utilitarianism
Our actions are morally right if they bring about the greatest happiness.
(leads to more happiness than any other possible happiness)
Who is considered the first act utilitarian and what did he defend?
Jeremy Bentham defended the principle of utility/greatest happiness principle.
“that principle….”
What is the principle of utility/greatest happiness principle?
‘that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have augmented or diminished the happiness of the party whose interest is in question.’
+ so Bentham claims that in judging actions to be morally right or wrong, we should take into account only the TOTAL amount of happiness that the action may produce.
What is the hedonic/felicific calculus?
An algorithm-like process whereby Betham argued we can measure the pleasure and pains of an action.
Explain how the hedonic calculus works
considers 7 factors:
intensity, duration, certainty, fecundity, propinquity, purity and extent
+ greatest utility principle = we should only consider this result in judging the morality of an action
What is an objection to utilitarianism which Mill responds to in his theory of qualitative hedonistic utilitarianism ?
Utilitarianism values only pleasure and does not recognise the ‘higher’ things in life or the dignity of human beings.
What does JS Mill agree with Bentham about?
- that people’s moral apporval and dissaproval of an action is strongly influenced by its affect on their happiness; the greatest happiness principle plays a significant role in formng moral beliefs
- that happiness is pleasure and the absence of pain
What does JS Mill disagree with Bentham about?
Bentham says in ‘The Rationale of Reward’,1830, that ‘the game of pushpin is of equal value with the arts and sciences of music and poetry’
Mill rejects the view that pleasures and pains are all equally valuable.
How does JS Mill divide pleasures?
Into ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ pleasures.
He argues some pleasures are more valuable and important to human happiness given the types of creatures we are and what we are capable of.