3.2.1 Particles Flashcards
What are atoms made of ? (The simple model of the atom)
Atoms of elements are made up of three types of particles: Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons
What is the charge of a proton?
1.6x10^-19C (or As)
What is the Mass of a Proton?
What is the charge of a Neutron?
0C (or As)
What is the Mass of a Neutron?
What is the Charge of an Electron?
-1.6x10^-19C (or As)
What is the Mass of an Electron?
What is specific charge?
Charge per Kilogram
How do you calculate the specific charge of a nucleus?
Total charge of protons/ total mass of No. Nucleons
How do you calculate the specific charge of an Ion?
(Total No. electrons added or taken away x 1.6x10^-19)/ total mass of Nucleons
What is an Isotope?
An atom (of the same element) that has an equal number of protons but a different number of neutrons
What is Isotopic data?
The relative amounts of different isotopes of an element found within a substance
What can isotopic data be used for?
To determine the age of substances, using radioactive dating
What is an example isotope used for radioactive dating?
Carbon - 14
Why is there an electrostatic repulsion between nucleons in a nucleus ?
Because of the charge of the protons
What does the strong nuclear force do?
It holds the nucleus together
How does the strong nuclear force hold the nucleus together?
The strong nuclear force holds quarks together, therefore holding the neutrons and protons together
Where is the strong force attractive up to?
3fm (3x10^-15m)
Where is the strong force repulsive up to?
0.5fm (0.5x10^-15m)
Where does the strong force have no effect?
3fm (3x10^-15m)
What is the maximum attractive value of the strong force?
Around 1fm (1x10^-15m)
When does alpha decay occur?
When the nucleus is proton heavy and unstable
What does an alpha particle consist of?
2 protons and 2 neutrons, like a helium atom
What happens to the proton number of an element after alpha decay?
It decreases by 2
What happens to the nucleon number of an element after alpha decay?
It decreases by 4
When does beta-minus decay occur?
With a neutron heavy nucleus
What happens during Beta-minus decay?
A neutron turns into a proton, a high energy electron is emitted along with an anti-neutrino
What happens to the proton number of an element after beta-minus decay
It increases by 1
What is the equation of beta-minus decay?
n –> p + e- + (anti)Ve
When does beta-plus decay occur?
In a proton heavy nucleus
What happens during Beta-plus decay?
A proton turns into a neutron, a high energy positron and an electron neutrino are emitted
What happens to the proton number of the element after the beta-plus decay?
It decreases by 1
What is the equation for beta-plus decay?
p –> n + e+ + Ve
Why was the existence of the neutrino hypothesised?
To account for the conservation of energy in beta decay
For every particle there is a….
Corresponding antiparticle
Antiparticles and particles have the same…. (2)
Mass and Rest-mass energy
Antiparticles and particles are different because they have….
Opposite charge
What is rest energy?
The energy equivalent to the mass of the particle at rest
What is rest energy measured in?
Mega electron volts (MeV)
What is the corresponding antiparticle to a Proton?
An antiproton
What is the corresponding antiparticle to an electron?
A positron
What is the corresponding antiparticle to a Neutron?
An antineutron
What is the corresponding antiparticle to an electron neutrino?
An antielectron neutrino