320-3 Post Academy Field Training Flashcards
320-3 (Post Academy Field Training):
Operations Coordinators responsibility are?(9)
- Deploy one sergeant trainer with assigned probationary officers to one specific training area for the duration of a tour of duty.
- Ensure that all probationary officers available for foot patrol are assigned to posts within their respective sergeant’s training area.
- Schedule probationary officers within the module for assignment to RMP duty with the sergeant trainer and continue this rotation until FIFTEEN STRUCTURED RMP TRAINING TOURS are performed by each officer.
- Review the “Daily Field Training Evaluation Worksheets.”
- Review and forward all BI-MONTHLY EVALUATIONS of probationary officers in a timely fashion.
- Ensure that all probationary officers receive TWO TOURS AS a sergeant trainer’s operator. (These two tours are IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIRED FIFTEEN STRUCTURED RMP tours.)
- Ensure that each probationary officer works at LEAST ONE TOUR WITH A PRECINCT DESK OFFICER and supervisor as an observer.
- Ensure that each probationary officer attends an integrity briefing with the BOROUGH COMMANDER and INTEGRITY CONTROL OFFICER.
- Review monthly Probationary Police Officer/Task Performance Lists to ensure that assignments are providing necessary training.
- Forward one copy of ALL evaluations to the Employee Management Division and one copy of “Below Standards” evaluation, if applicable, to the bureau chief concerned (through channels).
320-3 (Post Academy Field Training):
The Training Sergeant Will?
- Patrol assigned training area observing officers assigned to RMP and foot patrol duties within unit.
- Respond to all radio runs directed to officers within assigned unit, when available.
- Monitor radio assignments and respond as a back-up to those assignments which provide additional training potential: e.g., unique or unusual jobs which are assigned to other sectors.
- Ensure that tasks performed are recorded and tallied on a daily basis by each probationary police officer on a Probationary Police Officer/Task Performance List.
- Ensure that each officer shares the duties of operator and recorder equally.
- Require officers to properly prepare all appropriate forms.
- Provide both safety and tactical instruction whenever appropriate, including driving skills.
- Accompany probationary officers on all assignments.
- Complete all appropriate captions on the “Daily Field TrainingEvaluation Worksheet”. Provide daily counseling and instruction to Field Training Unit Officers, using worksheet as a guide.
- Supervise the probationary officers assigned to foot posts within their training area. Such supervision will include several visits during each tour.
320-3 Post Academy Field Training
PPO will?
- Perform all assigned duties, taking a secondary role only at the direction of their sergeant trainer or other supervisor.
- During the sergeant trainer’s critique, utilize the opportunity to ask questions and to gain an appraisal of own performance.
- Prepare on a daily basis the Probationary Police Officer - Task Performance List and submit to sergeant trainer at the end of each month.
320-3 Post Academy Field Training
Ops Coordinator will ensure the PPO attends an integrity meeting with whom?
ICO and Boro Commander
320-3 Post Academy Field Training
Ops Coordinator will ensure the PPO has how many tours in an RMPS?
320-3 Post Academy Field Training
Ops Coordinator will ensure the PPO has how many tours as Sgt Op
2 tours in addition to the required 15
320-3 Post Academy Field Training
Ops Coordinator will ensure the PPO has how many tours on desk with Desk Officer
1 tour in addition to required 15