3.2 - Managers, Leadership And Decision Making Flashcards
A relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people
What are the 2 different leadership perspectives
Traditional and modern
What is the traditional leadership perspective
Command and control
Decision making
What is the modern leadership perspective
Inspiring employees
Creating a vision
Shaping core values and cultures
Building effective teams
What do managers do?
- setting objectives
- analysis data
- leading staff
- make decisions
- review the impact
Why is leadership increasing important (2 reasons)
- changing organisational structures : greater delegation, teamwork, coaching and support
- rapid change : constant feature of business life, soft skills of leadership and management are increasingly important
Strategic leadership
People who influence or control the corporate strategy of a business
Where does strategic leadership occur?
Small firms and larger corporations
How is strategic leadership demonstrated (4 ways)
Command - leaders take control
Vision - leaders set visions
Decision making - leader ways up options and decides
Symbolic - embodiment of strategy, not involved day to day
Leaders attributes
- inspire people
- build relationships
- take risks
- have followers
Managers attributes
- enact the plan
- use authority
- manage risks
- have subordinates
How to tell the difference between managers and leaders
‘Managers do things right, leaders do the right things’
3 levels of traditional management
Senior management attributes
E.G. board of directors
- set corporate objectives and strategic direction
- board is responsible to shareholders, led by CEO
Middle management attributes
- accountable to senior management
- runs business functions and departments
Junior management attributes
- supervisory role, accountable to middle management
- monitor and control day to day tasks, and manage teams of workers
What is a leadership style
The way that the functions of a leadership is carried out and the way that leader behaves
4 types of leadership style
- authoritarian
- paternalistic
- democratic
- laissez-faire
Authoritarian + example
- focus of power is with the managers
- communication is top down and one way
- formal systems of command and control
- use of regards and penalties
- very little delegation to employees
E.G. McGregor Theory X approach
Paternalistic + example
- leader decides what’s best for employees
- like parent/child realtionship
- little delegation
- softer form of authoritarian
E.G. mayo
Democratic + example
- focus of power is more with the group as a whole
- leadership functions are shared within the group
- employees have greater involvement in decision making
- emphasis on delegation and consultation
- trade off between speed of decision making and motivation and morale
E.G. McGregor Theory Y approach
Laissez-faire + example
- leader has little input into day to day decision making
- conscious decision to delegate power
- mangers / employees have freedom to do what they think is best
- effect when staff are ready and willing to take responsibility
Advantages of authoritarian
- use of rewards
- use of formal systems
Advantages of paternalistic
- softer form of authoritarian
Advantages of democratic
- leadership functions are shared in group
- emphasis on delegation and consultation
Advantages of laissez-faire
- managers / employees have freedom to do what they believe is best
Disadvantages of authoritarian
- communication is one way
- very little delegation to employees
Disadvantages of paternalistic
- little delegation to employees
- leader makes all decisions still
Disadvantages of democratic
- lack of effective
- leadership could lead to split decisions
Disadvantages of laissez-faire
- lack of complete leadership
- could lead to confusion amongst what to do with so math people leading
2 major group types in the McGregor theory
Theory X
Theory Y
Theory X managers summary
- average worker is lazy and dislikes work
- works need to be controlled and directed
- centralised organisation
- exercise of authority
Theory Y managers summary
- most people enjoy work
- workers take responsibility and organise themselves
- decision making can be delegated
Why is modern business leadership moving away from authoritarian
- changes in societies values
- better educated workforce
- focus on need for soft HR skills
- changing workplace organisation
- greater workplace legislation
- pressure for greater employee involvement
Tannenbaum and schmidt continuum
Continuum of leadership behaviour, represents a range of action related to the degree of authority used by managers and area of freedom available to non managers