3.2 Cells 🦠 Flashcards
What do all cells have
Cell-surface membrane
Define a Eukaryotic cell
A cell with DNA contained in a nucleus, containing membrane-bound specialised organelles
How do Eukaryotic cells replicate
• Mitosis
• Meiosis
What do all Eukaryotic cells have
• Cell-surface membrane
• Internal membranes (for membrane-bound organelles)
Outline the structure and function of the cell surface membrane
• Structure: ‘Fluid mosaic’ phospholipid bilayer with extrinsic and intrinsic proteins embedded
• Functions:
1. Isolates cytoplasm from the extracellular
2. Selectively permeable to regulate transport of
3. Involved in cell signalling/cell recognition
Outline the structure and function of the nucleus
• Structure: Membrane bound structure that contains chromosomes, consisting of protein-bound linear DNA, and one or more nucleoli surrounded by a nuclear envelope
• Functions:
1. Contains DNA
2. Controls cellular processes and activity
Outline the structure and function of the nucleolus
• Structure: A round body located inside the nucleus
• Function: Makes ribosomal subunits from proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
Outline the structure and function of the nuclear envelope
• Structure: Phospholipid bilayer that’s perforated with ‘nuclear pores’
• Functions:
1. Helps maintain the shape of the nucleus
2. Assists in regulating the flow of molecules in
and out through the nuclear pores
Outline the structure and function of the mitochondria
• Structure: surrounded by a double membrane; the folded inner membrane forms cristae, the site of the electron transport chain. Within this there’s a fluid matrix containing mitochondrial DNA, respiratory enzymes, lipids and proteins
• Function: the site of aerobic respiration to produce ATP
Outline the structure and function of the Golgi apparatus
• Structure: planar stack of membrane-bound, flattened cisternae and associated vesicles aligning with the rough endoplasmic reticulum
• Functions:
1. Modifies and packages proteins for export
2. Synthesises glycoproteins
Outline the structure and function of the lysosome
• Structure: A type of Golgi vesicle that contains lysozymes (digestive hydrolase enzymes). A glycoprotein coat protects the cell interior
It’s a sphere surrounded by a single membrane embedded H+ pump that maintains acidic conditions.
• Functions
1. Digests contents of a phagosome
2. Exocytosis of digestive enzymes
Outline the structure and function of the ribosome
• Structure: Formed of protein and RNA and made up of a large and small subunit, they can be free in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum
• Function: Site of protein synthesis via translation, the large subunit joins amino acids and the small subunit contains the mRNA binding site
Outline the structure and function of the endoplasmic reticulum
• Structure: Network of tubules and flattened sacs (membranes called cisternae) extends from the cell membrane and connects to the nuclear envelope
• Functions:
1. Smooth ER: Lipid synthesis
2. Rough ER: Many ribosomes attached for protein synthesis and transport
Identify the organelles found in animal cells
• Cell-surface membrane
• Nucleus
• Mitochondria
• Golgi apparatus
• Lysosomes
• Ribosomes
• Rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Plant cells contain the same organelles as animal cells, identify the extra organelles they have
• Cell wall
• Vacuole
• Chloroplasts
What are the four types of Eukaryotic cells
• Animal
• Plant
• Algal
• Fungal
Compare and contrast plant and algal cells
• Same organelles and both photosynthesise
• Algae can be multicellular or unicellular, whereas plants can only be multicellular
Compare and contrast plant and fungal cells
• Same organelles except fungi don’t have chloroplasts
• Fungal cell wall is made of Chitin while plant cell walls are made of cellulose
Outline the structure and function of chloroplasts in plant and algal cells
• Structure:
• Vesicular plastic surrounded by a double membrane envelope, each a phospholipid bilayer
• Filled with a fluid-filled matrix called the stroma
• Contains a series of flattened, fluid-filled sacs called thylakoids (containing photosystems with chlorophyll) that stack to form grana that are connected by membranous channels called stroma lamellae
• Contains small (70s) ribosomes, a loop of DNA and starch grains
• Function: Site of photosynthesis to convert solar energy to chemical energy
Outline the structure and function of a cell wall in plant, algal and fungal cells
• Structure: Made of cellulose microfibrils with plasmodesmata channels that allow molecules to pass between cells. Middle lamella act as a boundary between adjacent cell walls
• Functions:
1. Mechanical strength and support
2. Physical barrier against pathogens
3. Part of a apoplast pathway to enable easy diffusion of water (plants)
Outline the structure and function of the cell vacuole
• Structure: Surrounded by the tonoplast and contains cell sap that contains mineral ions, water, enzymes and subtle pigments
• Functions:
1. Controls turgor pressure
2. Absorbs and hydrolyses potentially harmful substances to detoxify the cytoplasm
What’s the order of organisation
Cell > Tissue > Organ > Organ System > Organism
Outline what happens to eukaryotic cells in complex, multicellular organisms
• Cells become specialised for specific functions in multicellular organisms and are organised into tissues, tissues into organs and organs into organ systems.
• Once they’re differentiated to carry out a specific function they can no longer become another type of cell
• They become specialised through genes in the DNA being switched on and off leading the cell to make different proteins
Define a Prokaryotic cell
DNA’s free in the cytoplasm and they contain no membrane bound organelles
Identify the differences between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells
• Eukaryotes are larger and often multicellular while prokaryotes are smaller and always unicellular
• Eukaryotes have organelles including a nucleus while prokaryotes have a cytoplasm that lacks membrane-bound organelles (no nucleus)
• Eukaryotes have linear DNA associated with histones while prokaryotes have circular DNA (plasmids) not associated with proteins
• Eukaryotes have larger 80s ribosomes while prokaryotes have smaller 70s ribosomes
• Eukaryotes divide my mitosis and meiosis (sexual or asexual reproduction) while prokaryotes divide by binary fission (always asexual)
• Eukaryotes have cellulose (plants) and chitin (fungi) cell walls while prokaryotes have murein, a glycoprotein, cell walls
• Prokaryotes have capsules, sometimes plasmids/ cytoskeleton/flagella while eukaryotes have no capsule, plasmids or flagella and always have a cytoskeleton
Identify the similarities between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells
• Contain a cell membrane, cytoplasm and ribosomes (don’t count as an organelle as they aren’t membrane bound)
Identify the structure and function of plasmids in prokaryotes
• Structure: Small ring of DNA
• Function: carries non-essential genes and can be exchanged between bacterial cells via conjugation
Outline the structure of and function of flagella
• Structure: microscopic hair-like organelle
• Function: Rotating tails that propels the organism
Outline the structure and function of a (slime) capsule in prokaryotes
• Structure: Polysaccharide layer
• Function: Prevents desiccation, acts as a food reserve, sticks cells together and provides mechanical protection against phagocytosis and external chemicals
Outline viruses
• They’re acellular because they have no cell-surface membrane or cytoplasm
• They’re non-living beacuse they have no metabolism and cannot independently respire/move/replicate/excrete without being inside a host cell
Outline the structure of a virus
• Linear genetic material (DNA/RNA) and viral enzymes (e.g. reverse transcriptase) surrounded by a capsid and no cytoplasm
• The capsid’s a protein coat made of capsomeres that protects nucleic acid from degradation by restriction endonucleases.
• Attachment proteins enable the viral particle to bind and enter host/inject their genetic material
• Enveloped viruses are further surrounded by matrix protein and an envelope derived from the cell membrane of the host cell with attachment proteins on the surface. These enable viral particles to bind to complimentary sites on host cells (entry via endosymbiosis)
Describe the process of viral replication
• Virus uses attachment proteins on its surface to bind to complementary receptor proteins on the surface of a host cell and injects DNA or RNA into the host cell
• The host-cell uses its nucleic acid and ribosomes to produce new viral particles which are released by:
1. The host cell bursts open, releasing all the new viral particles
2. Viral particles leave individually through the host cell membrane via ‘budding’, taking a section of the membrane with them (forming an enveloped virus)
Outline the difference between enveloped (EV) and non-enveloped viruses (NEV)
• NEV are more virulent and cause host cell lysis more often
• EV have a membrane surrounding the capsid, and can use the host-cells membrane to assemble their own membrane, avoiding lysis and escaping the hosts immune system
Define endosymbiosis
A symbiotic relationshop where one organism lives inside the other
Define symbiotic relationships
A close and long-term biological interaction between two different species, called symbionts that can be mutualistic, commensalistic or parasitic
Identify the methods of studying cells
• Microscopes
• Cell fractionisation
Outline magnification
• How many times bigger the image of the specimen observed is compared to the actual size of the specimen
• Equation: Size of image
Magnification = ———————-
Actual size
Define resolution
The ability to distinguish between two points
Define artefact
• Something present in a sample that’s been artificially introduced as a result of processing the sample.
• They’re more likely to be produced from an electron microscope as there’s more steps involved
Identify the types of microscope
• Light Microscope
• Transmission Electron Microscope
• Scanning Electron Microscope
Explain how an optical microscope works
• Lenses focus rays of light and magnify the view of a thin slice of specimen
• Different structures absorb different amounts and wavelengths of light
• Reflected light is transmitted from the observer via the objective lens and eyepiece
Describe how to prepare a sample (tissue) for an optical microscope
• Obtain a thin section of tissue (e.g. using
ultratome or by maceration)
• Place the tissue in a drop of water
• Stain the tissue on a slide to make structures
• Add a code slip using a mounted needle at 45° to
avoid trapping air bubbles
• Place micrometer on stage to calibrate eyepiece
• Line up the scales on the graticule and
micrometer and count how many graticule
divisions are in 100um on the micrometer
• The length of one eyepiece division = 100um
divided by the number of divisions
• Use calibrated values to calculate actual length
of structures
Evaluate optical microscopes
+ Colour image
+ Can show living structures
+ Affordable apparatus
-2D image
-Lower resolution than electron microscopes
because light has a longer wavelength than
electrons so you can’t see ultrastructure
Explain how a transmission electron microscope works
• Passes a high beam of electrons through a thin slice of specimen
• More dense structures appear darker as they absorb more electrons
• Focus images onto fluorescent screen or photographic plate using magnetic lenses