3.1.2 Transport in Animals Flashcards
Why are transport systems needed in multicellular animals?
- Increased size means diffusion distance increases
- Small SA:V ratio
- Level of metabolic activity
What are the features of a transport system?
- Suitable transport medium (normally water based)
- Vessels to transport the medium
- A pump (or pressure) to transport the medium around the vessels
- Medium which flows in one direction
- Ability to control flow of medium to suit the changing needs to different parts of the organisms
What is a single closed circulatory system?
- Only passes through the heart once for each complete circuit of the body
- Heart has 2 chambers
- Because it goes through 2 sets of narrow vessels, pressure is low which limits exchange processes
What is a double closed circulatory stystem?
- Blood travels through the heart each circuit
- Ensures relatively high pressure and fast flow of blood
What are the advantages of a double closed circulatory system?
- The blood only travels through one capillary network before returning to the heart
- This maintains a higher pressure and steeper concentration gradient
What is a closed circulatory system?
- Blood is enclosed in blood vessels and doesn’t come directly into contact with cells
- Blood is pumped under pressure and things leave through the walls of the blood vessels
What is an open circulatory system?
- The blood (haemolymph) flows freely from the heart into body cavities (haemocoel) and comes into contact with the cells
- This is where exchange takes place before returning to the heart through open ended vessels
What are the components of the blood?
- Red blood cells
- White blood cells
- Platelets
- Plasma
What is the role of the components of the walls of the blood vessels?
- Smooth muscle contracts to control the flow of blood
- Elastic layer allows vessel to stretch and recoil
- Endothelium is a thin inner lining which is smooth to reduce friction in all vessels
What are the characteristics of the arteries?
- Carry blood away from the heart
- High pressure
- Narrow/small lumen to maintain pressure
- Thick muscular wall
- Elastic fibres in wall stretch and reoil with each ventricular contraction to maintain high blood pressure
- Endothelium is folded to allow stretching/artery to expand to maintain high blood pressure
What are the characteristics of the arterioles?
- Small blood vessels that distribute the blood away from an artery to the capillaries
- An arteriole wall has rings of smooth muscle which contract and constrict the diameter of the arteriole
- Increases resistance to flow and reduces the rate of flow of blood which diverts the flow to parts of the body that are demanding more oxygen
What are the characteristics of capillaries?
- Very narrow diameter to reduce blood flow to allow for time for exchange between blood and surrounding cells to take place more efficiently
- Thin walls only one cell thick to ensure maximum rate of transfer between blood and surrounding tissue fluid
- Close to cells for a short diffusion distance
- Large number to increase surface area
- Fenestrations (gaps between endothelial cells) mean walls are leaky to allow plasma and dissolved substances to leave the blood
What are capillary beds?
- Networks of capillaries running through tissues
- Precapillary sphincters regulate the flow of blood to the tissues
What are the characteristics of venules?
- Capillaries join to form valves
- These collect blood from the capillary bed and lead into veins
- The venule wall consists of thin layer of muscle, elastic and collagen
What are the characteristics of veins?
- Outer layer of connective tissue with fibres of collagen (same as artery)
- Carry blood towards heart
- Thin walls with few elastic fibres and smooth muscle
- Blood flow slowly under low pressure and there is no pulse so the walls don’t need to stretch and recoil)
- Wide when in order to ease blood flow
- Valves prevent the backflow of blood
How do valves work in veins?
- Blood in the veins is pushed forward by the pressure produced by the contraction of the nearby skeletal muscles which the vein runs through
- When the muscles relax and stop pressing, the pressure drops and valves prevent the backflow of blood
What is hydrostatic pressure?
Pressure created by a fluid pushing against the container that it’s within
What is oncotic pressure?
Pressure created by the osmotic effects of the solutes in a solution (opposing force)
How is tissue fluid formed?
- At the arterial end of capillary, blood is at a relatively high hydrostatic pressure
- Pressure pushes the blood fluid out of the capillaries through the capillary wall
- Fluid leaving the blood contains plasma with dissolved nutrients and oxygen
- All red blood cells, platelets, most white blood cells and plasma proteins remain in the blood as they are too large
- Tissue fluid surrounds body cells so exchange of gases and membranes of gases/nutrients/ can occur across plasma membrane
How to calculate the net hydrostatic and oncotic pressure?
- For hydrostatic, subtract inner pressure from outer pressure
- For oncotic pressure, subtract inner from outer - - There is no change in the net oncotic pressure and the number of proteins haven’t changed