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AQA A-Level Physics
> 3.10 Diffraction Gratings > Flashcards
3.10 Diffraction Gratings Flashcards
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AQA A-Level Physics
(55 decks)
1.1 Atomic Structure
1.2 Stable and Unstable Nuclei
1.3 Antiparticles and Photons
1.4 Hadrons and Leptons
1.5 Strange Particles and Conservation of Properties
1.6 Quarks and Antiquarks
1.7 Particle Interactions
2.1 The Photoelectric Effect
2.2 Energy Levels in Atoms
2.3 Wave-Particle Duality
3.1 Progressive Waves
3.2 Wave Speed
3.3 Transverse and Longitudinal Waves
3.4 Superposition and Interference
3.5 Stationary Waves
3.6 Investigating Resonance
3.7 Diffraction
3.8 Two-Source Interference
3.9 Young’s Double-Slit Experiment
3.10 Diffraction Gratings
3.11 Refractive Index
3.12 Critical Angle and TIR
4.1 Scalars and Vectors
4.2 Forces in Equilibrium
4.3 Moments
4.4 Centre of Mass and Moments
4.5 Uniform Acceleration
4.6 Displacement-Time Graphs
4.7 Velocity-Time Graphs
4.8 Acceleration-Time Graphs
4.9 Newton’s Laws of Motion
4.10 Acceleration Due To Gravity
4.11 Projectile Motion
4.12 Drag, Lift and Terminal Speed
4.13 Conservation of Momentum
4.14 Force, Momentum and Impulse
4.15 Work and Power
4.16 Conservation of Energy
5.1 Density
5.2 Hooke’s Law
5.3 Stress and Strain
5.4 The Young Modulus
5.5 Stress-Strain and Force-Extension Graphs
5.6 Brittle Materials
6.1 Circuit Diagrams
6.2 Current and Potential Difference
6.3 Resistance
6.4 I-V Characteristics
6.5 Resistivity
6.6 Determining the Resistivity of a Wire
6.7 Power and Electrical Energy
6.8 EMF and Internal Resistance
6.9 Conservation of Energy and Charge in Circuits
6.10 The Potential Divider
Practical and Maths Skills