3.1 War and Peace Flashcards
who first developed the theory?
Augustine of Hippo (354-430)
Who developed the just war theory?
Thomas Aquinas
What does jus ad bellum mean?
Correct conditions for going to war (before)
What does jus in bello mean?
correct conditions during war
What does jus post bellum mean?
correct conditions after war
what are the 6 conditions before war?
- Just cause
- authority
- just intention
- proportionalith
- last resort
- probability of success
What is just cause?
there is an issue that can only be resolved through military combat e.g someone invades someone else and that counrty defends themself (falklands)
What is just authority?
A democratic government’s officials and people have agreed to go to war e.g falklands, iraq
What is just intention?
Advancement of good and elimination of evil, not vengeful or expansionistic e.g Yemen
What is proportionality before war?
3:1 forces, ensure that where ever possible you have 3x more force/ power than the occupant. To ensure victory and minimise unnecessary death e.g the falklands, Britain had 3x more force than Argentina
What is last resort?
You are only going to war because you have attempted every other avenue to solve the conflict, trade, negotiations, trade sanctions
What is probability of success?
If the fighting of the war will not amount to success, then it shouldn’t be fought. Soldiers must die for a purpose
What is an old test quote which depicts brutality?
Joshua 10:40 “So Joshua subdued the whole region… He left no survivors. He totally destroyed all who breathed, just as the Lord, the God of Israel, had commanded.”
What is a bible quote about Jesus’ teachings about war?
Matthew 26:52 “‘Put your sword back in its place’, Jesus said to him, ‘for allw ho draw the sword will die byt the sword’”
Luke 6:27-31 “… Love yor enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also…”
What are the 2 conditions during war?
- Principle of proportionality
- Principle of discrimination
What is proportionality during war?
Avoiding non-combatents getting hurt, only harming those who are fighting- use of weapons must be inporportion to the threat posed (can’t use nuclear weapons in a knife fight)
E.g using specific ‘smart bombs’ against known threats only
What is the principle of discrimination during war?
Those waging the war must understand the difference between civilians and combatants. There should be no direct attacks on civilians or putting them at risk
- CAJ Coady argues that it is impractical to have a war in which no civilians are harmed. It is however, only just if they are harmed as the “unintended side effect of an otherwise legitimate act of war”
What are the 5 conditions for after war?
- Punishment
- Proportionality
- Discrimination
- Compensarion
- Rights
What is punishment?
Repremanding of people who committed war crimes. If found guilty they must be repremanded and tried e.g Nurmenburg trials
What is proportionality after war?
Any peace settlement should be fair and not vindictive or vengeful
e.g First gulf war- Iraq lost and needed to punished with no fly zones
What is discrimination after war?
Holds that the military and political elements if a defeated nation must be treated differently to citizens- the citizens shouldn’t feel the majority of the punishment when they had no say in war
What is compensation?
A defeated nation may be justly asked to compensate the victors for the losses they caused during the war. Important that this is taken from the governing elite rather than the population at large
e.g Treaty of versailles
What are rights?
the victors of war should ensure that any rights which were not respected by the defeated gov/military such as freedom of religion are restored
e.g ww2 allied powers restored original govs in western europe with freedom of religion .ect
What are absolute pacifists?
- People that believe that war is always wrong and can never be justified. A rejection of the idea of Just war on the basis that NO war can just
- Even self defence is wrong
- Inspired by Jesus who didn’t fiht back whilst being crucified “blessed are the peacemakers”
Instead have peaceful protests and use diplomacy, e.g MLK