1.2 Equality Flashcards
What does it mean to be treated equally?
In areas of employment- your aplication will be purely looked at for your achievements not your identity
everyone is treated the same with no predications
What is strict (or simple) equality?
everyone has the same amount, goods and resources (strict communism)
What is Equality of need?
‘from each according to his or her ability, from each according to his or her need’
-Karl Marx
Very similar to equity
What is problem equality?
Depends on the situation of need
a pregnant mum on baby number 4 has less need for a midwife than a first time mum
What is Equality of Just Deserve?
Goods should be distributed to those who deserve them
What is the 2010 equality Act?
Legally protects people from discrimination in the workplae and in wider socirty
What is sex?
The way people are divided into male and female, based on their reproductive organs
What is gender?
Something defined by society, an expression of your sex based on societal cultures
Who is Simone de Beauvoir?
A french feminist who wrote ‘The Second Sex’ 1949
She asks the question ‘if you are not born a woman, how do you become one?’
How is equality a positive philosophy in the bible?
“There is nether Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male or female, for you are all one in christ Jesus.”- galtions
The new testament preaches equality for all
How is equality a negative philosophy in the bible?
Gender: God puts Adam in the role of the farmer and doing manual labour, but Eve it just Adam’s companion. They have certain jobs assinged to them
Race: There is no approval for selling people, although Abraham ‘acquired’ people for silver, and slavery is mentioned throughout the bible without condemnation
Disability: Lepars were shunned by society
What are the issues with Genesis with equality?
The roles of man and woman are specific God given responsibilities
Historically Eve is the one to do wrong, therefore inviting oppression from men blaming the wrongdoings of Eve in the bible
The story of Genesis gives credibility to the oppression of women
What are the issues with the parable of the good samaratin with equality?
It contradicts the story of Genesis, as no matter who you are you are just as compelled to help someone no matter who they ware
Genesis= man over woman
Good samaratin= everyone is equal
What are the issues with Jesus healing the paralysed man with equality?
Disabled people want to be respected
Shows agape but does not show respect for disabled people, and makes it seem like they must be saved from their disability
What is feminism?
A political movement as a moral philosophy in which the social, political and economic equality for all, is argued.