3.1 - Integration: Horizontal Flashcards
What are the 4 forms of integration?
Vertical forwards
Vertical Backwards
What does horizontal integration entail?
Firm merges with another in the same industry at the same stage of production
What are the specific advantages of horizontal integration?
Economies of scale
Lower LRAC
Larger market influence
Reduced competition
Economies of Scope (Synergies)
What are the specific disadvantages of horizontal integration?
Total Costs
Increased workloads
Increasing responsibilities
Legal issues, monopolies etc
How can horizontal integration achieve economies of scale?
Internal economies of scale
Technical + financial reinforcement
Bulk purchasing
How does horizontal integration reduce LRAC?
EoS, productivity etc.
Savings made by rationalisation of costs
However, often involves job losses
How can horizontal integration achieve economies of scope?
Separate firms make different products
Mergers incentivise synergies
How can horizontal integration further the risk of diseconomies of scale?
Disagreements regarding management, pricing, expenditure, investment etc.