3.1 Believing in God Flashcards
Catholic upbringing- for
- Sacraments- give you religious strength
- Baptism- bringing you into the faith
- Confirmation- allow you to affirm your own faith
- Prayer and Bible- deepen relationship with God
- Church- witnessing others affirming their faith, children’s liturgy educates children of their belief at their level
Catholic upbringing- against
- Children have free will to make their own choices
- They may have been taught enough to prove to themselves that God doesn’t exist
- They may not fully understand their faith as they have never had opportunity to question it
Religious experiance
- Miracles- no other explanation except God
- Prayer- strengthens relationship with God, prayers can be answered proving God
- Numinous- actually experiencing and feeling His presence
- Conversion- reawakened by an experience
Argument from design- story
-William Payley said if you found a watch on the ground, you would assume it had been made by a watchmaker as it is so complex. The same applies for the universe- there must be a universe maker, which could be God
Argument from design- for
- Many things on earth are too complex to happen randomly
- There must be a designer, and only God could design something so wonderful
Argument from design- against
- Design can be explained by science
- Doesn’t refer to the existence of dinosaurs
- God may not be the designer
- Some things have lack of design like volcanoes and diseases
Argument of causation- story
- Everything on the earth has a cause, so anything caused to exist must have been caused to exist by something else
- You have to have a first cause in all causation chains, including the universe
- The only possible first cause for the universe is God
Argument of causation- for
- There needs to be a first cause for everything
- The universe had to come from somewhere
- Everything seems to have a cause except the universe
- God is the only logical cause for the universe
Argument of causation- against
- There must be a cause for God, so who is God’s cause?
- A better explanation is that the universe is eternal
- The first cause doesn’t necessarily have to be God
Scientific explanation- against
- Big bang- 15 billion years ago, matter was so compressed it made a huge explosion, and the matter flew away and joined to form stars and planets
- Evidence includes red-shift
- Natural selection and evolution- on the earth’s surface combinations of gases formed primitive life forms, and mutations changed genes. Those best suited to their environment survived
- Evidence includes fossils
Scientific explanation- for
- Bible was written before modern science so can’t contain it
- Genesis creation is a beautiful story not science
- God is responsible for the big bang and evolution
- God is not a material being, so science can’t investigate Him
Unanswered prayer- against
- People suffer or see suffering, and pray to God for help
- If God was omnibenevolent, he would answer our prayers
- It appears that God chooses some prayers over others
- If someone doesn’t feel God’s presence when they pray, they may not believe He is there
- Lots of people pray for the same thing but are still ignored
Unanswered prayer- for
- An individual request may not fit in with God’s plan
- Prayer may be selfish and not motivated by love
- Prayers may be answered differently to what is expected
- God gives you what you need, not what you want
- People’s prayers may conflict with each other
Problem of evil- against
- If God is omniscient he knows what is happening so why doesn’t he stop it?
- If God is omnipotent he is powerful enough to stop evil, so why doesn’t he?
- If God is omnibenevolent he would want to stop us suffering, so why doesn’t he?
- When someone suffers they question God’s Omni-qualities leading to atheism or agnosticism
Problem of evil- for
- Without bad, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the good
- You have to suffer to be worthy of heaven
- Reminds us we still rely on God
- Suffering is part of God’s plan that humans can’t understand
- Moral evil is caused by humans using their free will
Media- fair
- Archbishop sympathises saying he can understand why people may question
- A survivor’s faith was stronger as he thought it was a test from God
- Tsunami shows God’s power
- Someone claimed to be able to see angels
- Constant hymns with subtitles and views of churches
- Shows community of believers
- No sceptic views
Media- unfair
- Richard Dawkins (famous atheist) asked where God was, because he wasn’t there
- The survivor’s whole family was killed; how could God do this?
- Why would an omniscient God need to test these people?
- Why would he test those who have so little in the first place?
- Presenter is an atheist
- Woman seeing angels seems a bit crazy
- Programme can be very boring
- No actual evidence, just faith testimonies