3.1 Ankle Block Flashcards
Sensory innervation of foot
- Saphenous nerve
- Posterior Tibial Nerve
- Sural Nerve
- Deep Peroneal
- Superficial Peroneal
- Saphenous nerve
- Term of Femoral N
- Enters ant. to Medial Malleolus
adjacent long saphenous vein - Supplies Medial border of foot up to ball great toe
- Posterior Tibial Nerve
- Mixed M + S
Terminal branch Tibial N - Enters Posterior to Med Mall
Behind Post Tib A. - Divides into Medial and lateral plantar nerve
Sole of Foot
- Sural N
- Branch Tibial
Arising below pop fossa - Occas receive accessory input from Common Peroneal
- Supply lat border of foot / 5th Toe
- Enter foot superficially and posterior to lat Mal
- Deep Peroneal N
- Branch CPN
Lies lateral to DP - Enters foot as terminal sensory branches
- underneath extensor retinaculum
- dividing medial lateral branch - Lat branch
Motor -> Extensor dig brevis - Medial branch
small area over dorsum of foot
first web space
- Superficial Peroneal N
- Other branch of CPN
- Superficial in lower 1/3 calf
between peroneus tertius and brevis
Dividing into medial and intermed dorsal cutan N.
- Branch enter foot passing over extensor retinaculum
- Medial Dorsal cut nerve
supply medial part dorsum foot
Supplement 1st and second webspace - Intermed dorsal cut nerve
Lateral dorsum and 3d and 4th webspace
Options for blocking N during surgery . Foot surgery
- Central - SAB / Epidural
- Nerve Root
Lumbosacral plexus - Nerve trunks
pop fossa - Ankle block
Describe performing an ankle block
Standard preop assessment and procedure consent
Sterile equip
IV Access
Resus equip
Assistant trained
GA conversion PRN
Nerves in ankle block
Superficial and anterior to Med Mall
Inject LA from Ach tendon s/c anterior to tibia
Posterior tibial
Post to med mal
Advance needle onto bone
withdraw 1-2m before inject LA
Deep Peroneal
Lat to DP artery
Dorsum foot
Inject deep to fascia
Superficial Peroneal
Division of N
vary distances above lateral mall
Single shot difficult
SC infiltration from lateral malleolus
to anterior aspect tibia should block
Sural N
Linear blockade s/c from lateral mal to Achilles tendon
Use nerve stim
on benefit mixed nerves
Ultrasound increasing use in single shot techniques rather than linear infiltration