301 Health Economics Flashcards
What is the cancer drug fund (CDF)?
Government-providing funding source in England for cancer drugs
- Faster access to promising treatments
- Value for taxpayer’s money
- A fast-track route for pharmaceutical companies pricing their products responsibly
What are the types of health models?
Biomedical, WHO definition (1948), biopsychosocial Engel 1977, sociological, multifactorial, guideline
What are the factors of multifactorial model of health?
Sexual, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social
What are the evidence based guidelines?
Population based not individuals
Lifestyle interventions
Single conditions and pathways
What are the deontology views of healthcare?
Duty of care to individual
Rule based
Care for individual is without reference to impact on society
What are the utilitarian views of healthcare?
The end justifies the means
Greatest benefit
May lead to harm to some individuals
What are the undercurrents of health economics?
- Business side of pharmaceutical industry
- Free NHS
- Personal responsibility
- Screening as a pragmatic approach - need to understand specificity and sensitivity
What is the currency of health?
Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY)
1 year of life in perfect health
Ability to carry out daily activities, freedom from pain, mental disturbance
What are DALYs?
Disability Adjusted Life Years
Measures burden of disease
Who applies for CDF funding on behalf of a patient?
A consultant applies through a “Blueteq” application
Why was the previous CDF system deemed unsustainable?
- Over-approval of drugs led to unsustainable costs
- By 2015-16, fund overspent by £126 million (37% over budget)
What was the budget for CDF in 2010 and how did it change by 2016?
Initial budget was £200 million and increased to £340 million by 2016
What are the key features of the new CDF introduced in 2016?
- Part of NICE review process
- Aims to review all drugs within 90 days of licensing
- Includes reviews of drugs for rare cancers
- Provides clear entry & exit strategies for drugs
- Collects more data on drugs that show potential but lack firm evidence
How does NICE categorise drugs under the new CDF?
NICE make 3 decisions:
1. Yes - available on NHS
2. No - unavailable on NHS
3. Maybe - available via CDF if drug meets value-for-money criteria, pharmaceutical company agree to CDF terms and data collection on efficacy is feasible
How long can a drug remain on CDF list?
Generally 2 years
Who is responsible for safety of drugs funded by CDF?
Medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency (MHRA) and European medicines agency (EMA)
What role does NICE play in drug appraisals?
Evaluates clinical and cost-effectiveness of drugs but only for those with marketing authorisation or expected authorisation
Drugs on the CDF may only be used in certain circumstances
- Depending on type of cancer
- Depending on cancer stage
- Only in advanced cancer
- Only if previous treatments tried
What alternative funding exists in Scotland and Wales for new treatments?
“New treatment fund” for rare and life-limiting conditions, not limited to cancer
Where can the CDF drug list be accessed?
NHS England website lists drugs eligible for CDF