3 - Uvea Flashcards
Compared to the Iris center, where is the pupil aperture actually located?
Slightly nasal and inferior
What is the avg. diameter of the iris?
12 mm
What region of the iris, was the attachment site for the fetal pupillary membrane during embrylogical development?
What divides the iris into the pupillary zone?
Where is the iris margin located, posterior or anterior?
Posterior, on the anterior of the lens.
What part of the ciliary body is the iris attached to?
Anterior portion
Where is the iris the thickest?
Iris Root
True or False, The iris always divides the anterior segment of the globe into anterior and posterior chamber?
What is Iridodialysis?
Tear of the Iris from the ciliary body
Note: there is severe damage to blood vessels and nerves (sector paralysis of the iris muscle)
How many layers are there of the Iris and name them.
1) Anterior Border Line (ABL)
2) Stroma and Iris Sphincter Muscle
3) Anterior Epithelium and DILATOR MUSCLE
4) Posterior Epithelium
What layer of the Iris is the Anterior Border Layer part of?
Note: It is a thin condensation of the stroma, to be precise
What is the ABL composed of ?
Hint: 2 items
Melanocytes(below) and Fibroblasts (surface)
In the anterior of the Iris, there are absent oval shaped _________?
Iris Crypts
What is the stroma of the Iris composed of?
Hint: There are 4 distinct types
Pigmented cells (melanocytes and clump cells)
Non-pigmented cells (Fibroblasts, Lymphocytes, Macrophages and Mast cells)
Collagen Fibrils
Ground Substance
What type of cell in the stroma, actively scavenge for free pigment?
Clump cells
What type of arrangement are collagen fibrils set in the iris stroma?
Where is major circle of the iris located?
In the ciliary body to the iris root