What is Pyloric Stenosis?
A narrowing (stenosis) of the pylorus due to hypertrophy of the sphincter muscle, or scarring of the tissue surrounding the opening from the stomach to duodenum
What are the etiologies of Pyloric Stenosis?
Congenital and Acquired
What is Congenital Pyloric Stenosis?
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
What is the gender/prevalence in Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis (Congenital)?
Male:Female = 4:1 - Prevalence 2-4 per 1,000 newborns
What happens with Acquired Pyloric Stenosis?
Scarring of stomach peptic ulcer or duodenal bulb
What is the etiology of acquired Pyloric Stenosis?
Tumors (stomach, Pancreatic, etc.)
What are the signs and symptoms of Pyloric Stenosis?
- Severe worsening vomiting - Weight loss - Dehydration - Constant Hunger - Visible or palpable peristaltic waves
In Hypertrophic Pyloric stenosis (congenital), when do symptoms appear?
In the first 2-6 weeks of life
In Hypertrophic Pyloric stenosis (congenital), what are the symptoms to appear?
THere is progressive vomiting with partially digested food after each or few feedings
How would you diagnose Pyloric Stenosis?
Ultrasound (visualizes the thickened pylorus) Upper Endoscopy
What signs do you see from imaging a Pyloric Stenosis?
String sign or “Railroad track sign”
What blood test would you do for Pyloric Stenosis?
Hypochloremic, metabolic alkalosis with hypokalemia
What is treatment for Pyloric Stenosis ?
What is Acute Gastritis?
Sudden Inflammation of the lining of the stomach
What are the common etiologies of Acute Gastritis?
- Foodpoisoning/food infection - Severe alcohol consumption - Heavy smoking - NSAIDs, especially Aspirin - Extreme stress (severe trauma, burns, surgery etc.)
What are the signs and symptoms of Acute Gastritis?
- Constant or sporadic pain in epigastric area (achy, burning, sharp, dull) - Nausea - Vomiting - Fever, chills - Belching, bloating
What are the forms of Acute Gastritis, and what is it based on?
* Based on degree of mucosal damage * 1. Erosive (mucosal damage) 2. Non erosive 3. Focal 4. Pan Gastritis (diffuse)
What is erosive Acute Gastritis?
- Superficial - Deep - Hemorrhagic
How do you diagnose Acute Gastritis?
- CBC - Upper Endoscopy - Stool sample for presence of blood - Pregnancy test
What is a recommendation by chiropractor for Acute Gastritis?
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, hydrate, and check subluxation in neck and dorsal spine
What is Chronic Gastritis?
Chronic mucosal inflammatory changes in the stomach wall that eventually result in mucosal atrophy and mucosal (intestinal) metaplasia
What is the etiology of Chronic Gastritis?
- Helicobacter Pylori (90% !!) - Bile reflux
What does Helicobacter Pylori affect in the stomach?
The Antral Part of the stomach
What is an important predisposing factor for Intestinal type Adenocarcinoma (Stomach cancer) ?
Intestinal (mucosal) metaplasia
What are the less common etiologies of Chronic Gastritis ?
- NSAIDs - Autoimmune Diseases (autoimmune chronic gastritis, SLE) - Allergic Response
What do etiological factors do for Chronic Gastritis?
Cause multiple focal damages of stomach mucosa
What are the forms of Chronic Gastritis?
- Hypertrophic - Hyperplastic - Erosive - Antral - Atrophic
What are the signs and symptoms of Chronic Gastritis?
- Vague, not severe, non-specific, and do not push a patient to attend physician ** DEPENDS ON FORM
What are the signs and symptoms of Hypertrophic, Erosive, and Antral forms of chronic gastritis ?
- Acute pain in epigastrium and left upper abdominal area - This pain is local, without radiation - Usually this pain develops in 30-60 minutes after the meal
What are the common symptoms of Hypertrophic, erosive and Antral forms of Chronic Gastritis?
- Heartburn - Belching - COnstipation
What are the signs and symptoms of the Atrophic form of Chronic Gastritis ?
- Heaviness in epigastrium and left upper abdominal area - Fullness in the stomach after SMALL amount of meal - Diarrhea - Signs of megaloblastic/pernicious anemia
What can Atrophic form of chronic gastritis be ?
What do ALL forms have of chronic Gastritis?
- Cramping - Nausea, vomiting - Weakness - Intolerance of spicy food
How do you diagnose Chronic Gastritis?
- CLinical manifestations - Upper endoscopy with biopsy