3. Rearrangement Reactions (3/3) Flashcards
Indicate the rearrangement of the following cation.
Give the mechanism for the following Pinacol rearrangement.
Give the mechanism for the following Semi-Pinacol rearrangement.
Give the mechanism for the following Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement.
Provide the steps to generate:
1. Tertiary carbocation from olefin
2. Halonium cation from olefin
3. Activated epoxide/ carbocation from epoxide
4. Primary, secondary and tertiary carbocations from primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols
For the following carbocation rearrangement, why is the migration from C6-C7 favoured?
Indicate the stereoselectivity in the following alkoxide fragmentation with alpha leaving group
Indicate the stereoselectivity in the following alkoxide fragmentation with beta leaving group (E2).
Indicate the Favorskii reaction for:
1. Alkoxide with alpha leaving group
2. Alkoxide with beta leaving group
Give the step and mechanism for the following Favorskii reaction.
Draw curly arrows for all steps of the following mechanism.
Draw curly arrows for all steps of the following mechanism.