1. Rearrangement Reactions (1/3) Flashcards
Give the generalised mechanism for the Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement.
C-C bond breaks, 1-2 migration.
Give the generalised mechanism for the Beckmann rearrangement.
C-C bond breaks, 1-2 migration.
Give the mechanism for the following Beckmann rearrangement in the context of nylon production.
What can be said about molecular orbital overlap during the 1,2- migration in Beckmann rearrangement?
- C–C and N–O bonds antiperiplanar (overlap between σC–C and σ*N–O).
- Retention of the stereochemistry during 1,2-migration.
Outline the following Beckmann rearrangement and indicate the issues of fragmentation.
Outline what oxidants may be used in the Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement.
Outline the best to worst migrating groups for 1,2-rearrangement in the Baeyer-Villiger.
- C–C and O–O bonds antiperiplanar
(overlap between σC–C and σ*O–O) - Retention of the stereochemistry
during 1,2-migration
Outline the regioselectivity that governs the 1,2-rearrangement in the Baeyer-Villiger reaction.
Give the product(s) of the following Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement.
Draw curly arrows for all steps of the following mechanism.
Draw curly arrows for all steps of the following mechanism.