3) Random Variables Flashcards
What is a measurable space
What is a measurable function
What are the conditions for a function f:Ω→S to be measurable in the context of measurable spaces (Ω,F) and (S,B)
What is a Random Variable
A random variable is a measurable function X:Ω→R where (Ω,F,P) is a probability space, and (R,B(R)) is the measurable space of real numbers with the Borel σ-algebra B(R)
What is a Borel Function
A Borel function is a measurable function f:R→R where both the domain (R,B(R)) and the codomain (R,B(R)) are the real numbers equipped with the Borel σ-algebra B(R)
How do definitions of a random variable and a Borel function extend to R^n for n≥2
In the context of measurable spaces, what can be said about the composition of two measurable functions
If X is a random variable and f is a Borel function, what can be said about the composition f∘X
f ◦ X is a random variable
What can be said about the measurability of continuous functions from R→R
If f:R→R is a continuous function, then f is measurable. This means that every continuous function on R is also a Borel function
If f and g are measurable functions from Ω→R, what can be said about a linear combination of these functions
If f:Ω→R and g:Ω→R are measurable functions, α,β∈R are fixed constants, then the linear combination αf+βg:Ω→R is also measurable
If X and Y are random variables, and α,β∈R are fixed constants, what can be said about αX+βY
If X and Y are random variables, then the linear combination αX+βY is also a random variable
If (Ω,F) is a measurable space and fn :Ω→R are measurable functions, which limits and operations on fn are also measurable
If Xn are random variables, then the following are also random variable
What is the law of a random variable X on a probability space (Ω,F,P)
What is the distribution function FX of a random variable X, and what are its key properties
What is the density function f X of a random variable X with an absolutely continuous distribution function F X
What is the σ -algebra generated by a random variable X
When is a random variable X σ(Y)-measurable for another random variable Y
A random variable X is σ(Y)-measurable if and only if there exists a Borel function f:R→R such that X=f(Y).
This means X can be expressed as a function of Y, ensuring X is measurable with respect to the σ-algebra generated by Y
What is the σ-algebra generated by a family of random variables Xi for i∈I