2) Probability Spaces Flashcards
What is a Probability Space
(Ω, F, P) satisfying the following properties:
1. Ω is a nonempty set
2. F is a σ-algebra of subsets of Ω
3. P : F → R is a probability measure
What is σ-algebra
What is a Probability Measure
What are the generators of σ-Algebra
If C ⊆ 2^Ω then the smallest σ-algebra on Ω containing C is denoted by σ(C)
What is the Borel σ-algebra on R
The Borel σ-algebra, B(R), is the smallest σ-algebra on R containing all open sets. It is generated by the collection of open sets and is denoted as B(R)=σ(C) where C is the set of open subsets of R
What are the properties of a Probability Space related to Set Operations
What are the properties of a Probability Space related to Limits and Continuity
What is lim sup and lim inf
What are the inequalities related to lim sup and lim inf
What is the First Borel-Contelli lemma
What is the Lebesgue measure
What is a π-system of sets
What is the uniquness of measures