3. Psychological variable Flashcards
What is ‘Traditional’ psychology’s view of science and qualitative research?
Science= measurement and quantification. Must deal with measurable entities only.
Qual research is different from science/not real science
What is the Kuhn/Postmodern/social constructionist view of science and qualitative research?
Neglects cognitive/truth aspect to science. Science is a human activity. Justify qual research but agree its different from standard science.
How is a Realist view of science different to these?
Cognitive activity aimed at knowledge/truth. (still allows for error as error is human fact).
Self-correcting, logical, empirical testing
What is pathological science?
A high order breakdown- refusal to test false hypotheses. Happens in psychometrics. Psychology assumes attributes are quant and don’t test this.
Pythagoreanism, Quantitative Imperitive
According to Galileo, what are primary and secondary properties?
Primary: IN object (material/substances are bounded)
Secondary: produced by mind (noisy, sweet etc.)
How has psychology redefined measurement and what is S.S, Stevens’ operationalist principle?
Modern psych “makes” the mental quantitative.
principle: measurement is assignment of numerals to objects/events according to rule