3 - Ordering Flashcards
< is ______\_ on A
if for all a in A, a < a
< is reflexive on A
if for all a in A, a < a
a structure is ______\_ if all points have looping arrows to them
a structure is reflexive if all points have looping arrows to them
< is _______\_
if for all a, b in A, B
a < b
b < a
< is symmetric
if for all a, b in A, B
a < b
b < a
a structure is ______\_ if all arrows are bidirectional (also includes a single point with a self-loop)
a structure is symmetric if all arrows are bidirectional (also includes a single point with a self-loop)
< is _______\_
if for all a,b,c in A
if a < b AND b < c
then a < c
< is transitive
if for all a,b,c in A
if a < b AND b < c
then a < c
a structure is ______\_
if an arrow goes to an object with an arrow to something else, then that arrow also goes to that something else (also includes self-loop)
a structure is transitive
if an arrow goes to an object with an arrow to something else, then that arrow also goes to that something else (also includes self-loop)
< satisfies ______\_
if for all a,b in A
< satisfies trichotomy
if for all a,b in A
< is _________\_
if a !< a for all a in A
< is irreflexive
if a !< a for all a in A
a structure is ______\_
if it has no looping arrows (which is NOT the same thing as saying it is not reflexive)
a structure is irreflexive
if it has no looping arrows (which is NOT the same thing as saying it is not reflexive)
< is _______\_
if for all a,b in A
if a < b
then b!
< is asymmetric
if for all a,b in A
if a < b
then b!
a structure is ______\_
if a relation exists then it is NOT a bidirectional arrow
(ie - there are no one directional arrows)
a structure is asymmetric
if a relation exists then it is NOT a bidirectional arrow
(ie - there are no one directional arrows)
< is __________\_
if for all a,b in A
if a
then a=b
< is antisymmetric
if for all a,b in A
if a
then a=b
a structure is _________\_
if there is an arrow coming one way
there is an arrow coming the other way
then it MUST be a self-loop to the same point
a structure is antisymmetric
if there is an arrow coming one way
there is an arrow coming the other way
then it MUST be a self-loop to the same point
is a (strict) _____** **order of <
if < is ______**, **______**, and **_____\_
is a (strict) partial** **order of <
if < is transitive**, **irreflexive**, and **asymmetric
is a (total) _______ order of <
if < is ________, ________, and ________
satisfies ______\_.
is a (total) linear order of <
if < is transitive, irreflexity, and asymmetric
satisfies trichotomy.
< is well-founded if for all x as a subset of A:
< is well-founded if it:
1) x is not an empty set
2) x has an <-minimal element (no infinite descending chains)
Which of the following are well-founded?
N, Z, Q, R, (0,1)
Which of the following are well-founded?
N = well-founded
Z = not well-founded (has not <-minimal element)
Q = not well-founded
R = not well-founded
(0,1) = no since you can keep dividing by 2 for any # and still not reach a minimal element
a structure is well-ordered if
a structure is well-ordered if
1) well-founded
2) total / linear