3. Oogenesis and Follicular Development Flashcards
What makes up the fundamental female reproductive unit?
Single ovarian follicle, composed of one germ cell (oocyte), surrounded by endocrine cells
What is menarche?
Beginning of menstrual cycles avg 11-13yrs
What determines age at puberty?
– genetics – nutrition – geographic loca:on – exposure to light – body composi:on, fat deposition – exercise
What controls the menstrual cycle?
Gonadotropins and gonadal hormones
What are the 3 phases of the ovarian cycle?
- Follicular phase av 15days (ranges from 9-23 days)
- Ovulatory phase: 1-3 days (and culminates with ovulation)
- Luteal phase: 13 days (is less variable than follicular)
What are the three phases of the endometrial cycle?
What are 4 function of the ovaries?
- OOGENESIS ie production of gametes during the foetal period
- MATURATION of oocyte
- EXPULSION of the mature oocyte (ovulation)
- SECRETION of female sex steroid HORMONES (oestrogen & progesterone) and peptide hormone inhibin.
What is oogenesis?
The process when a developing egg (oocyte) differentiates into a mature egg (ovum)
Involves completion of meiosis which occurs at the time of fertilisation
Progression from oogonia to primordial follicle?
Oogonia produced by mitotic division (max # about 7m)
At 8-10wks of gestation, prophase of 1st meiosis starts. Oogonia becomes primary oocyte.
Primary oocyte is surrounded by pre-granulose cells. Called primordial follicle
What is mitosis?
Process of cell division that results in two genetically identical daughter cells developing from a single parent cell
What is meiosis?
Division of a germ cell involving two fissions of the nucleus and giving rise to four gametes. Each possessing half the number of chromosomes of the original cell
Describe the first phase of oogenesis that occurs during foetal life?
- Oogonia develops in the embryonic yolk sac 3 weeks post conception.
- Migrates to ovary
- Colonise the cortex
- Undergo mitosis
- At 8-10 weeks meiosis begins
- 1-2 million oocytes around the time of birth (reduces to 400,000 around puberty)
- Remaining oocytes are arrested in meiotic prophase until last oocytes are ovulated
Most common cytogenetic abnormalities associated with age…
Down syndrome
Describe the 2nd phase of oogenesis at ovulation?
Meiosis resumes (stimulated by LH)
- The first division of meiosis is completed and the haploid nuclei now separates to form 2 cells
- The cytoplasm is unequally shared forming a large secondary oocyte and a polar body (with no further role)
- Meiosis arrests again at metaphase II and the secondary oocyte is ovulated
- 2nd divison of meiosis is only completed in those oocytes that are fertilised
Spermatgenesis vs oogenesis
- In females, mitotic proliferation of oogonia occurs prior to birth.
- In males, spermatogonia proliferate only ader puberty.
- In females, meiotic divisions of oocyte produces only one mature ovum.
- In males, meiotic divisions of primary spermatocyte produces 4 mature spermatozoa.
- In females, second meiotic division is completed only upon fertilisation.
- In males, the products of meiosis (spermatids) undergo substantial differentiation in the maturing process.