3- Neuro Diagnostic Studies Flashcards
What neuro imaging is a safe, painless recording of the cortical electrical activity, can be used while awake or asleep and may be affected by stressors such as sleep deprivation or hyperventilation?
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
What are the indications for an EEG? (4)
Seizure disorders
Metabolic encephalopathy (focal vs generalized slowing)
Cortical (neglect, aphasia, hemianopia) vs subcortical (motor hemiparesis)
Tumors (focal/ spiked discharges)
What EEG rhythm represents a normal awake adult?
8-12 Hz (alpha)
Are there any major contraindications to EEG?
What neuro imaging differentiates primary muscle conditions from muscle weakness caused by neurologic disorders by measuring the electrical activity of muscle fibers/ motor unit?
Electromyogram (EMG)
What are the indications for an EMG? (4)
Lower motor neuron disease (ALS)
NMJ disease (Myasthenia gravis) - fatigability
Muscle disease (myopathy) - decreased amplitude of motor response
Peripheral nerve disorders
What neuro imaging is used to assess the rate of conduction and the amplitude of response of peripheral neves, and is usually performed in conjunction with an EMG?
(how well and how fast the nerves can send signals)
Nerve conduction studies
What are the indications for nerve conduction studies? (5)
Differentiate between primary nerve vs muscle disorders
Differentiate LMN diseases from peripheral neuropathy
Abns in sensory nerves
Axonopathy (decreased amplitude)
Demyelinating process (decreased conduction rate)
What are the indications for plain spine films in neuroimaging? (3)
Degenerative disease
What neuroimaging should be ordered for a pt with spondylolisthesis?
Lumbar spine films
(flexion/ extension views)
What is first line imaging to look for fractures with or w/o associated complications?
Plain films
(followed by CT/ MRI for soft tissue involvement)
What are the indications for plain skull films? (3)
Metabolic disease
What are the indications for CT head? (5)
Suspicious HAs
(Spine = trauma, degenerative)
Pt presents with loss of consciousness. What do you order?
CT scan
Pt presents with persistent neurologic dysfunction. What do you order?
CT scan