3) Nazi Society 2: Education Flashcards
What did the nazis make sure the school system was geared towards?
Towards presenting children with nazi views
What did the Nazis know must begin in school?
Successful indoctrination
Why was it easy to target children in school?
They were a captive audience so it was easy to shape their minds
What did history lessons concentrate on?
The injustices of the Treaty of Versailles and the weakness of the Weimar Republic and the evils of Communism and the Jews
What did Biology lessons teach?
That Germans were members of the Aryan race which was superior to other races
What did the new subject on the curriculum, eugenics teach?
TOTGDOMWAWR and also how to measure facial features in order to classify racial types
What idea did eugenics push?
The idea of the master race
What did geography teach?
Taught about the land Germany lost under the Treaty of Versailles and the need for more living space or LEBENSRAUM for the expansion of the master race
What did the lessons of Lebensraum prepare children to do?
Prepared children and made them willing to attack Poland and risk their lives without question
How much of school time was devoted to P.E?
15% of school time
What did the central role of P.E help ensure?
It helped ensure boys would be fit for a future army service and girls would be fit for producing as many children as possible
What did girls spend a lot of time doing?
They spent a lot of time in domestic sciences being tsught how to be ideal wives and mothers
What were Jewish children banned from?
Attending many lessons
What were Jewish children used as examples of?
Used as examples of those possessing non-Aryan characteristics and they would often be brought in front of the class and have their noses measured during eugenics lessons
Why did this happen to Jewish children?
To humiliate them and make them feel different and not part of the Volksgemeinschaft
In 1933 what did it become compulsory for teachers to join?
The Nazi Teacher’s Association and those who refused lost their jobs so it was a career move to join the association
What happened to jewish teachers after 1933?
They were removed as it was deemed undesirable for a jewish person to be teaching aryan children
By 1942 what had happened to jewish schools?
They had been banned altogether
Who were anti nazi gangs mainly made up of?
Working class youths who refused to conform to the nazi ideal of how youths should appear and behave
Name a gang who became very politically minded and well organised
Edelweiss Pirates
What happened to members of the politically minded gangs such as the Edelweiss Pirates?
They were sometimes caught by the Gestapo and sent to juvenile concentration camps or even to their deaths