3 microbiology Flashcards
mycobateria are aerobic, nonmotile, slightly curved or straight bacilli (True or False)
classification of mycobacteria
a. Mycobacteria tuberculosis complex - cause TB in humans & other mammals a1 M. tuberculosis a2 M. bovis a3 M. caprae a4 M. africanum a5 M. microti a6 M. canetti a7 M. pinnipedii
b. non-tuberculous mycobacteria
b1 M.avium intracellulare
b2 M.kansasii
What Mycobaterium is BCG derived
primary MOT of M.bovis
ingestion of contaminated milk & meat
- M.bovis requires oxygen for growth and is inhibited by higher tension required by M. tuberculosis
- it is also intrinsically resistant to PYRAZINAMIDE
NTM that causes pulmonary disease
M. avium complex
M. kansasii
M. xenopi
NTM that causes lymphadenitis particularly in children
M. avium
M. scrofulaceum
NTM that causes disseminated disease among HIV patients
M. kanasii
true or false: NTM are not transmissible from 1 human to another and are relatively drug resistant compared to M.tuberculosis
what enhances growth rate of mycobacterium
6-8% carbon dioxide
optimal temperature of growth of M.tuberculosis
responsible for the morphologic appearance of M. tuberculosis cells
cord factor
- serpentine cords of bacilli in close, parallel arrangements
- role in human TB is unknown
- in mice its demonstrated as strong inducers of cytokine secretion as well as neutrophil recruitment
peripherally located glycolipids that inhibit fusion of secondary lysosomes with bacilli containing phagosomes within a macrophage
- possibly promoting intracellular survival of the organism
important molecule in mycobacterial cell wall
Lipoarabinomannan (LAM)
- dominant mycobacterial antigen
variant of MTBC that is responsible for enhanced bacilli survival and entry into macrophages
Man-LAM (mannan-capped LAM)
doubling time of TB bacilli
gold standard for diagnosis of TB
demonstration of organism by culture
specimen for diagnosis
pulmonary secretion urine genital discharge CSF blood pleural fluid other biologic fluid
hot method
- uses carbol fuchsin
- red rods against blue background
cold stain
- uses higher concentration of phenol with carbol fuchsin
uses auramine instead of carbol fuchsin
Auramine O stain
- fluorescing tb bacilli
most popular egg based culture media
Lowenstein Jensen