3: Medications Flashcards
prostaglandins (travatan Z) for glaucoma
lengthening/thickening of eyelashes, iris color change, iritis, CME (cystoid macular edema)
pilocarpine for glaucoma
miosis, iritis
topical antihistamines/mast cell stabilizers (Pataday, Zaditor)
dry eyes
topical steroids (pred forte, FML)
increase in IOP, PSC
ciloxan topical antibiotic
corneal deposits
sulfa topical antibiotic
steven’s johnson syndrome (severe allergic reaction)
vasoconstrictors (visine, clear eyes), naphazolene
dilated pupil
anesthesia (proparicane)
corneal melt
NSAID (acular, xibrom)
corneal melt
anticholinergic (tropicamide, homatropine)
dilated pupil
tetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline
pseudo-tumor cerebri
indomethacin (NSAID)
whorl/vortex keratopathy
plaquenil, (for R.A. and lupus)
bulls-eye maculopathy, whorl/vortex keratopathy
warfarin (a blood thinner)
sub-conj heme, retinopathy
tamoxifen (breast cancer drug)
macular deposits, vortex/whorl keratopathy