3. Mass and Balance Flashcards
Airplane Weights and CG Establishment
- Prior to initial entry and every 4 years if individual weights are used,
- Prior to initial entry and every 9 years if fleet weights are used
LMC Limit
- Only for Paper Loadsheet,
- If > 500KG, prepare a new one
Standard Crew Weights
- Cockpit: 85KG,
- Cabin: 75KG
Standard Passenger Age Categories
- Adult: Age of 12 or more,
- Child: Age of 2 and above and less than 12,
- Infant: Age of less than 2 years
Standard Passenger Weights
- Child: 35KG,
- Adult: 84KG,
- Weights include hand baggage,
- Adult includes Infants carried on adult laps,
- Infants occupying seperate seat counted as a child
Checked Baggage Weights
- All flights except Intercontinental: 13KG,
- Intercontinental: 15KG
Intercontinental Destinations
- Intercontinental destinations are notified by AFB,
- Paper Loadsheet are not authorised to/from these destinations,
- If OPT U/S, contact Performance Department
Wheelchairs as Checked Baggage
- Included in OPT as an additional 160KG,
- On Paper Loadsheet included as “Cargo Equivalent” and,
- In the SI box “Electric Wheelchair”, specifying number/weight/hold
Actual Bag Weights
- Only provided at airports approved by Ground Operations and when eLID is in use,
- Not available for Paper Loadsheets
General Loading Policy
- First 105/160 bags (MAX/NG) loaded FWD (mainly 2) Cargo,
- Rest loaded to AFT Cargo (Mainly 3, overfill to 4),
- FWD Hold 1 used for fragile, buggies etc,
- Freight should be loaded to AFT Hold 3 (size permitting),
- Freight loaded before the baggages to not impede the offload of bags,
- Unless AOG, Freight has low priority and not accepted STD - 10,
- For Freight: “IF IN DOUBT - LEAVE IT OUT”
Reverse Loading Policy
- With medium pax/baggage numbers and Freight,
- May be necessary to load Freight in the FWD and baggages AFT
Loading for Flights With Increased Load of Fuel
- Starting from 13000KG of fuel,
- FWD Hold 2 maximum baggage number decreases with increasing pax/fuel
Non-Standard Weights
- May be used for pax/baggage that significantly differ from average (military, athletic squads etc),
- Paper loadsheet is required,
- Total passenger weight must not exceed 17305/18916KG (MAX/NG),
- Equivalent Passenger Count = Total Weight of Non-Standard Passengers / 84,
- Equivalent Bag Count = Total Weight of Non-Standard Bags / 13,
- Annotate in the SI box: “50 x 168kg PAX CO.NOTAM XXXX/XX - Equivalent Pax Count = 100” or,
-“50 x 26 kg Bags CO.NOTAM XXXX/XX - Equivalent Bag Count = 100”
Tipping CG and Most Adverse Conditions
- 50.8% MAC,
- Low weight with aft CG,
- Very low fuel or Full Main Tanks with empty Center Tank,
- Large nose-up stabilizer trim
Tipping Precautions
- Stabilizer Trim 4 units,
- AFT holds loaded last and unloaded first when single door boarding/deboarding,
- Maximum 1000KG Cargo/Spare loaded in AFT Hold 3 and Hold 4 must be empty before single door boarding/deboarding
LID Extra Seat Categories
- ITEMSEAT, EXTRA: Musical instrument/Wedding Dress. Calculated as adult, included in TOB but not THOB,
- COMFORTSEAT, EXTRA: Large passenger. Not adult, included in TOB but not THOB,
- LEGSEAT1, EXTRA: Broken leg. Not adult, included in TOB but not THOB,
- INFANTSEAT, EXTRA: Infant occupying a seat. Not adult, included in TOB but not THOB,
- Being adult and inclusion in TOB/THOB is related to only Paper Loadsheet
If Unable to Send OPT Calculation
- Add the calculated TOW and CG to the Paper LID and return a copy to the Handling Agent,
- At the discretion of the Commander, original and copies may be amended by both parties respectively
Paper LID Completion Time
- STD - 15,
- To reduce any LMCs to minimum
At the discretion of the Commander, eLID may be edited then signed and submiited by the flight crew
Light Weight Trim Issues
For light weight “FERRY” option in the OPT may be selected provided:
- Max 19 passengers,
- Max 2 passenger per row,
- No passenger present aft of row 17
Paper Load Sheet Limitations
- Handling agent prepares LID/eLID and Flight crew prepares Load Sheet with this figures
- Must be used when Non-standard weights used,
- Not authorised for Actual Bag weights,
- Not authorised for flights to/from Intercontinental Destinations
Paper Load Sheet Trim Values
For B737-8200 paper value is only correct when:
- Full T/O thrust and,
- Flaps 5
Otherwise correction is required
- THOB: Total Heads on Board. Includes crew, supernumeraries, passengers, infants,
- TOB: Total number of REVENUE passengers and LMCs
Jump Seat Occupancy on Loadsheets
- Supernumeraries and ticketed staff on JS must be treated as a crew,
- Could be done by inclusion in the DOW or as an LMC
Supernumeraries on Loadsheet
- Included in THOB but not on TOB,
- Annotate crewcodes in the SI box accordingly
- Free Gate Bags,
- Up to 15 carry-on bags may be tagged as FGBs and Loaded in the Hold,
- Trim influence must be accounted for by 1/2 of bags (rounding up),
- Annotate SI box “15 x FGBs in Hold 2”
- Gate Bags,
- Oversized cabin bags will be tagged and loaded in the Hold,
- Weight and Trim influence must be accounted for same as a standard Hold Bag,
- Annotate SI box “2 x GBs in Hold 2”