2. Performance Flashcards
Aircraft Types and Fitted Brakes
- B737-8200: Category B (Carbon),
- B737-800W & SFP: Category C (Steel)
B737 Perfromance Class and Aerodrome Reference Code
- Performance Class A,
- Aerodrome Reference Code 4C
Narrow Runway Definition
- Has width or cleared width < 45m,
- Minimum width 30m
Narrow Runway Restrictions
- CPTs T/O unless specified in the AFB,
- Maximize Fixed Derate and Assumed Temperature,
- Both Thrust Reversers must be operative,
- Anti-skid must be operative,
- V1mcg is incremented 5KT
- CPTs LDG unless specified in the AFB,
- Both Thrust Reversers must be operative,
- Anti-skid must be operative. If inoperative during flight, diversion to 45m RWY recommended,
- Autoland not permitted,
- For failures that affect directional control or braking, diversion to 45m RWY recommended
Crosswind Limitations:
- Decrease Normal RWY limits by 1KT per 1m reduction below 45m
SFP Differences
- Idle Thrust Delay is reduced from 5s to 2s to reduce landing distance,
- Flight spoiler and ground spoiler deflection is increased to 60 degrees,
- Configured with Sealed LE Slats for all T/O Flaps to reduce drag,
- LE Devices move to FULL EXT only at Flaps 30 and 40
3 Kelvin-Spread Rule
- Temperature 3 degrees or less and,
- Dew point spread 3 degrees or less,
- RWY Surface condition may be more slippery than anticipated
- Wet Skid-Resistant Runway,
- Credit only applied when RWYCC 5 and Anti-skid operative
- If credit not used modify OPT/NOTAM,
- No credit used in RTOW charts
Contaminated Runway Definition
- Contamination more than 25% of one-third of the runway and,
- Depth of Slush/Standing Water/Wet Snow 4mm or more or,
- Snow (Dry or Compacted), Frost, Ice, Wet Ice present
Maximum Allowed Contaminant Depth
- Slush/Standing Water/Wet Snow: 13mm,
- Dry Snow: 100mm
Slippery vs Contaminated Runway for T/O
- Contaminated: Affects both acceleration and deceleration,
- Slippery: Affects only deceleration
RWYCC and Displaced Threshold/Stopway/Starter Extension
- RWYCC refers to the physical extent of the runway,
- It does not consider declared distances
RWYCC Upgrading
- May be done after application of friction improvement process,
- Only RWYCC 0 and 1 may be upgraded to maximum RWYCC 3
- Specially Prepared Winter Runway,,
- Contaminated with compacted snow or ice which treated with specific procedures,
- RWYCC may be reported as a maximum of RWYCC 4
RWYCC During Rainfall
Assume a RWYCC 2 when:
- If Standing Water depth 4mm or more and,
- Moderate or Heavy Rain on an Ungrooved RWY or,
- Heavy Rain on a Grooved RWY
Dry Snow and Wet Snow Reported on Top of Each Other
Use conseravtive minimum depth of 4mm of top contaminant
RWYCC Usage on T/O Calculation
- For RWYCC 5 or 4 use RWYCC,
- For RWYCC 3 or 2 use RCR to identify and use contaminant type and depth IF REQUIRED
Crosswind Limitations For Takeoff
- RWYCC 6: 33KT,
- RWYCC 5: 25 / 33KT* ,
- RWYCC 4: 22KT,
- RWYCC 3: 20KT,
- RWYCC 2: 15KT,
- : Flaps 5 or greater, CG < 25%
- Reduce the limits by 1 kt for every 1 m reduction in width below 40 m
CG < 25% Stabilizer Trim for T/O
Rougly 5 Units or less
Crosswind Limitations for Landing
- RWYCC 6: 33KT,
- RWYCC 5: 33KT,
- RWYCC 4: 33KT,
- RWYCC 3: 25KT,
- RWYCC 2: 17KT
- Reduce the limits by 1 kt for every 1 m reduction in width below 40 m
Takeoff Distance Required
Greater of:
- Takeoff and climb to 35/15FT with an engine failure at Vef or,
- 115% of the distance to Takeoff and climb to 35FT with all engines operating
Takeoff Run Required
Greater of:
- Takeoff and climb to equidistant between liftoff and 35/15FT with an engine failure at Vef or,
- 115% of the distance to Takeoff and climb to equidistant between liftoff and 35FT with all engines operating
Accelerate Stop Distance Required
Greater of:
- Accelerate with all engines operating and come to a complete stop with engine failure at Vef or,
- Accelerate with all engines operating and come to a complete stop with all engines operating
Takeoff Climb Limited Weight
To achieve 2.4% Gross Climb Gradient at the beginning of the Second Segment with OEI
Tyre Speed Limits
- B737-800: 195KT,
- B737-8200: 204KT
Balanced V1
OEI T/O distance equals to Accelerate Stop Distance
Optimum V1
- Normally used for all T/O Calculations,
- To calculate highest allowed weight by taking advantage of stopway and clearway
Standard EOSID
- Straight ahead,
- Usually at 15NM or more from the physical start of the T/O RWY
Special EOSID
- Turn required before joining hold pattern with or without speed restriction,
- 15 degrees AOB up to V2+20KT, 25 degrees AOB above Flaps Up Speed,
- Observe speed restriction even above MFRA,
- OPT calculated MFRAs are cold temperature corrected (RTOWs are not)
Standard SID Gradient
3.3% otherwise depicted specifically on the chart
Obstacle Clearance Path
- Starts from 35FT at the end of the TOD,
- Vertically clears obstacles by at least 35FT,
- Horizontally by Half the wing span (18m) + 60m + 0.125 x D (max 900m),
- D: Distance from DER
- In case of a bank > 15 degrees, clearance increases to 50FT
Minimum Turn Height
- Not before DER,
- Not before 59FT (half of wingspan)
EOSID Holding Patterns
- Where possible AIP holdings are used,
- Otherwise calculated as 5NM legs with 2NM turn radius
MCT Selection
Must be set after 5 minutes of T/O Thrust
Engine Failure During Climb Out
- Below 1000FT AAL, follow EOSID with speed restrictions,
- If Deviation Point or speed for EOSID turn has been passed, continue with the SID or ATC,
- Deviation Point: Point at which the EOSID diverges from SID
Driftdown Path Clearance
- Clears all terrain and obstacles within 5NM of intended track by at least 1000ft,
- From cruising altitude to an aerodrome, clears all terrain and obstacles within 5NM of intended track by at least 2000ft,
- Must have positive gradient at 1500FT AAL at the related aerodrome
Landing Dispatch
- Dry RWY: Actual LDR x 1.67,
- Wet RWY: Actual LDR x 1.67 x 1.15
Reverse Thrust N1 Values
- Second Detent: 70-75% N1,
- Max: 80-82% N1
Company Reverse Thrust Restriction
- For a Non-Dry RWY,
- When Crosswind > 15KT,
- Do not take Reverser credit
Thrust Reverser Inoperative Landing Restriction
For Dispatch:
- On OPT REV credit may be included for contaminated RWYs,
- On QRH no credit will be used
- On QRH no credit will be used
Company Policy for NNC Landing Distances
- Multiply distances from OPT/QRH by 1.3,
- The correction applies for Dry, BA Good (Wet) and Medium figures,
- Minimum LDA accepted is 1900m,
- Exceptions: Uncontained fire/security threat or delaying will compromise the overall safety
OPT Gust Procedure
- First enter direction and gust to check crosswind limits,
- Then enter actual mean value to do performance calculation
OPT ENG + WING AI Selection
Selected when Wing AI expected to be used after T/O and below MSA
Assumed Temperature Restrictions
- Anti-skid or Thrust Reverser INOP,
- EEC Alternate Mode,
- Snow, Slush, Ice or Standing Water on the RWY,
- Aircraft De/Anti-iced (also select minimum TO-1 or 24K),
- Potential Windshear,
- XWind > 10KT (when no ATRT calculated select 1 rate above),
- When Actual TOW within 500KG (1000KG if climb limited) within hardcopy RTOW,
- Landing Gear Extended flight,
- Bleeds Off T/O,
- Prohibited by Airfield Brief
- Company policy uses 1000FT AAL as a minimum MFRH,
- OPT calculated MFRA includes cold temperature correction
Thrust Reverser Credit for Takeoff
Only when dispatching on a Wet Runway and:
- With both Thrust Reversers operative,
- Anti-skid operative,
- All Brakes operative
Regulations allow deceleration credit for:
- One thrust reverser in an OEI case and,
- Two thrust reverser in all engine case
Default Thrust Reduction and Acceleration Heights
- Thrust Reduction: 1500FT,
- Acceleration: 1000FT
Missed Approach Climb Gradient
- Default 2.5%,
- Where higher MACG present, ATC may allow standard 2.5% on request
OPT Dispatch Landing Credits
- Assumes MAX Manual Braking,
- Auto Speed Brakes,
- Temperature and RWY Slope not included,
- REV may only be selected for contaminated RWYs
Autoland Landing Distance Increment
- Flaps 40: 140m,
- Flaps 30: 185m
OPT Brake Cooling Times Assumption
Parking brakes are released
RWYCC and RTOW Usage
- Used for RWYCC 6 and 5,
- OPT required for < RWYCC 5