3. Malocclusion classification Flashcards
Define malocclusion
condition that portrays a departure from the normal relationship between teeth in the same arch and or teeth in the opposing arch
What are the three components that contribute to malocclusion
- teeth (irregular tooth positions)
- dental arches (Malrelation of dental arches on normal bony jaw bases)
- dental bases (discrepancy in size/shape of mandible to maxilla)
Define the terms
- Imbrication
- Infraocclusion
- Supraocclusion
- Imbrication = irregular arrangment (esp lower incisors) from lack of space
- Infraocclusion = not erupted to same level
- Supraocclusion= over eruption
Define the terms
- Transposition
- Supernumerary
- Transposition= teeth with exchanged positions
- Supernumerary= Extra tooth/teeth
Transposition is commonly seen with what two teeth
laterals and cuspids
what is the most common supernumerary tooth
mesiodens (between maxillary centrals)
Difference between gemination and fusion
- 2 pulp chambers
- 2 root canals
- 2 pulp chambers
- 1 root canal
Skeletal malrelation is defined as
non- ideal size/shape of mandible and/or maxilla
Angles classification indicates
relation of teeth within their arches
T/F Angles classification requires a full complement of teeth
What tooth is considered in the angles classification
maxillary 1st permanent molars
Describe class I malocclusion
MB cusp of maxillary 1st molar occludes with buccal groove of the mandibular 1st permanent molar
Describe class I division 1 malocclusion
- Class II molar relationship
- Labially inclined maxillary incisors
- Narrow maxillary arch and V-shaped palate
- Under-developed mandible frequently
- Deep overbite (lower incisors may impinge palatal mucosa)
Describe Class II division 2 malocclusion
- Class II molar and canine relationship
- Retruded maxillary incisors (often maxillary lateral incisors labially inclined
- Often lingually inclined mandibular incisors
- Deep overbite (lower incisors impinge palatal mucosa)
- Maxillary arch size adequate
- Mandible usually well developed
- Lips usually competent
- Deep labiomental sulcus
- Often hereditary
- Very upright maxillary/mandibular incisors (high interocclusal angle)
- Poor perio. condition lower incisor area
Class III occlusion gives a (convex/concave) profile
Moyer’s classification of malocclusion is based on
osseous, muscular or dental origins
Criticisms of Angle’s classification are
- Anteroposterior relationship- not vertical or width dimensions
- All teeth should be present
- Etiology of similar cases different