3 Main Care Values Flashcards
What are the three main care values?
1- Promoting diversity and equality
2- Maintaining confidentiality
3- Promoting rights and beliefs
What is promoting diversity and equality?
Promoting diversity and equality is making sure everyone has the same opportunities regardless of their background, lifestyle or their abilities. Diversity means that every individual is appreciated and respecting the differences between their values, beliefs, cultures and lifestyle.
What is maintaining confidentiality?
Maintaining confidentiality is keeping the information of an individual in someones care private. Their case and issues are not to be discussed with anyone and are to be privately discussed with the manager and what their client has said and how to deal with that situation.
What is promoting rights and beliefs?
Promoting rights and beliefs is supporting individuals on rights to their dignity, empowerment, independence, safety and their choice. Promoting and beliefs is respecting their beliefs and protecting the individual from abuse.
How is diversity and equality promoted in care home setting?
Equality would be promoted in a care home by giving all of the residents in that care home the same opportunities. For example, all of the residents should be given the same options for what they want to their lunch or what activity the want to do that day. Diversity in a care home could be promoted by all of the residents being treat the same by staff no matter what their their background or beliefs are which would make them feel a lot more comfortable in the care home and would help them be themselves.
How is maintaining confidentality promoted in a care home setting?
Maintaining confidenality is promoted in a care home by the staff ensuring the residents their infomation will be kept safe and there infomation will not be disclosed under any circumstaces whilst they are in the care home. This would help the residents and staff build trust and give the residents some reassurance.
How is right and beliefs promoted in a care home setting?
Promoting rights and belifes is imprtant to residents in a care home. The staff would promoted rights and beliefs by them not discriminating against residents because of their backround or culture. The staff would have to protect all the residents and not treat them differently because of who they are.
Why is maintaing confidenality improtant to an individual in a residental care home?
Maintaining is confentality is important to a resident in a care home because it gives them reassurence. It helps them build a bond and trust with others and staff if they know that their infomation will be kept safe. It is important because the infomation about the individual may be important and could be used against them if their infomation was disclosed.
Why is promoting rights and beliefs important to individals in a care home?
Promoting rights and beliefs to resident in a care home is important becuse it helps them feel comfortable in the care home. It helps them feel like they are not singled out and they are not being treated differently because of who they are.
If someone is being dicriminated in a care home beacuse of their beliefs or background who can they go to for advice?
They can go to other staff for advice or help with their situation to see if it can be stopped. There are also plenty of websites and helplines people of all ages can visit if they need help or advice on how to deal with their situation.
How can discriminating someone becuase of their beliefs in a care home be stopped?
In the care home managers can set up weekly meeting to review their week and discuss if they have any problems. They can ask residents themselves if any problems have been happening whilst they have been at the care home and give the residents a chance to talk and open up if they have an issue.
Who are these main care values mainly aimed at?
The care values are aimed at vunerable people such as elderly people and children who can be vunerable at points, they would need more advanced and higher protection from certian situations.
Do all of these are values have an impact?
These care values do have an impact on vunerables people certian situcations. For example if someone was being discriminated these care values and policies would help them however dicrimination still happens and the care values may not protect all of the time in every situation.
How can treating someone unequaly be stopped?
Managers in the care home could interview staff and residents on how their week has been. Secuity could be set in around the care home in order to protect the resididents and to protect them from being treated unequaly.
How do these care values work?
They are designed to stop people who are vunerbale from being treated unequaly, having their infomation dislose or being discriminated becuase of their backgrounds. They stop if from happening becuase of punishments and concequences if these care values are broken under any circurmstances.