3 lead ECG Flashcards
first degree HB
Regular rate.
Increased P-R interval- more than 0.2 seconds
Delayed conduction at AV node.
Most common cause is ischaemia at AV junction can also be caused by infection, rheumatic fever.
Second degree- Type 1
P wave gets progressively longer until a QRS is missed. Repeating pattern. Irregular rhythm. (also known as Wenkebach or mobitz 1)
Ischaemia at AV node causing a block. The AV node takes longer and longer to conduct atrial beat until one atrial beat is not conducted, then the rythm starts again.
Second degree- Type 2
Av node selectively blocks or conducts impulses from atria. P-R interval stays the same but more p waves than QRS. Can be 2:1 ratio and this can be dangerous.
Third degree HB
AV node fully blocks impulses from atria. REgular P waves with random QRS and sporadic PRI. Atrial rate 60-100, ventricular rate 20-40.
Atria conduct impulses which travel throughout atria however complete block at AV node so the ventricles independently generate there pacing. No association.
Junctional rhythm
When SA node becomes tired the AV node starts working as main pacemaker, however as it is in the middle of the heart when it fires atria or ventricles may depolarizeJunctional first or at the same time. So sometimes p waves seen and sometimes not.
Junctional Escape
regular rate but p wave hidden in QRS or if present inverted. Rate usually between 40-60.
Accelerated junctional rhythm
Usually caused by sympathetic activation or Ischemia. Rate 60-100. Pwaves inverted or not present. Narrow QRS.
junctional tachy
juctional rythm over 100 bpm
wandering pacemeker
rate 60-100 p wave changes from inverted to upright to none.
NSR with PAC
a different P wave appears in a sinus rhythm, due to the atria randomly firing. not actually a rhythm.
NSR with PVC
Random beats which come from the ventricles. Wide strange looking QRS ( this is a conduction is through muscle not the conduction system) and the T wave is negative.
usually just before arrest, SA and AV have failed jst ventrictcle working, ventricular rate 20-40.
Ventricles become pacemaker, slow wide QRS as impulse is travelling myocardium. No P waves.
finding rate in irregular rhythm
count number of beats in 6 second strip and x10.
finding rate in regular rhythm
count number of small squares between 2 r waves and then go 1500 divided by number u get.
Multiple foci within the ventricles each generating impulses causing the ventricles to quiver. No contractile force or cardiac output generated
Atrial flutter
Sawtooth p wave pattern
There is a re-entrant circuit. For every impulse from the atria only every 2nd (2:1) or every 3rd is being conducted throught to the ventricles. Atrial rate a lot higher then ventricular rate.
The origin is probably avnrt- the AV node has 2 pathways a slow and fast pathway and an ectopic neat has caused a re- entrant which has caused the fast beat.
Svt anything over 150
Atrial tachcardia
A tachycardia with an abnorma p wave, p wave more prominent than SVT.
There is a single atrial focus that has taken over the pacemaker function from the sa node because it is faster. Otherwise conduction is normal after atria.