3 - Keyboard Skills and The Beatles Flashcards
A group of notes in a particular order, for eg a major or minor scale.
The distance of two semi-tones.
The smallest distance between notes, for example between C and C#.
Key Signature
A symbol at the beginning of a piece of music that tells us which sharps and flats to play/whether piece is major/minor.
A symbol which raises a note by a half step when put in front of it in a piece of music. A sharp note sounds a little higher than a regular one.
A symbol put in front of a written note in a piece of music to lower it by one half step.
Music is often either major or minor. Music in a major key is based around major scales and tends to sound happier.
`Music is often either major or minor. Music in a minor key is based around minor scales and tends to sound sad.
More than two notes played together at the same time. Can accompany a melody.
A chord containing three notes. Can be either major or minor.