3. Introduction to AMD Flashcards
What is the most common cause of visual impairment in older adults in the Europe?
Late stage AMD
AMD affects people of what age?
Affect people older then 50 years old
Describe what AMD Means
A degenerative disease causing progressive damage to the macular area of the retina, leading to loss of central vision
What are the common complains of patients with AMD?- symptoms
Blurred vision, reading difficulties, visual distortion, problems to adaptation after sunlight exposure.
What are the modifiable and unmodifiable risk factors of AMD
Modifiable risk factors:
1. Smoking
2. Hypertension
3. (Sunlight Exposure)
4. (Heavy Alcohol Consumption)
Unmodifiable risk factors:
1. Age
2. Gender: Women at high risk
3. Genetic predisposition
4. Race: Caucasians
What is seen when someone has early AMD? (2)
- Drusen
- Pigment changes
2 features observed in late AMD
- Geographic atrophy (GA)
- Choroidal Neovasculariation (CNV)
What falls under dry and wet AMD?
Dry AMD: GA, Drusen, pigment changes and Geographic atrophy.
Wet AMD: Choroidal neovascularization (CNV).
What is Drusen?
Initial signs of AMD
Extracellular deposits located between RPE and brunch’s membrane
AMD affects inner or outer retina?
Describe the size of hard and soft drusen
Hard drusen <63 μm; Soft drusen >63 μm
How are drusens classified depending on its edges?
Distinct or indistinct
What is confluent drusen?
When drusens become bigger and join together- overlap together
Describe the difference between hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation
Hyperpigmentation: deposits of granules or clumps of gray or black pigment.
Hypopigmentation: RPE depigmentation is characterized by faint areas of various density and configuration without sharply defined borders.
Can pigment changes occur at the same side as drusen?
YES, and presence of both indicates a great risk of progression to late stage AMD compared to seeing one sign alone.