3- Gait (Sprague) Flashcards
The gait cycle begins with the initial contact of one foot to the ground and ends with the initial contact of what?
The SAME foot to the ground
Is gait energetically costly?
Yes. I’m tired right now!
Striking the ground with the foot creates a collision that pushes the COM backwards. This energy loss is called?
The Step to Step transition cost of human walking.
What muscles help to diminish the effects of the Step to Step Transition Cost Of Human Walking through a preemptive force?
The Plantar flexors!! This is called the Dynamic Walking Model
How many phases of gait are there?
- (Initial contact, loading response, Midstance, Terminal Stance, Preswing, Initial swing, midswing, terminal swing)
What percent of walking gait is single limb standing? (Aka, how much time is spent on one foot when walking?)
What is a comfortable walking speed?
One complete gait cycle is known as a?
What is a “step”?
The beginning phase of gait with one limb until the beginning of the same phase of gait with the contralateral limb.
Gait is categorized into what two types of phases?
Swing and Stance phases.
Which phase of gait occurs in the open kinetic chain? (When the foot is off the ground?)
What happens in “Initial Contact”?
SUBTALAR JOINT IS IN SUPINATION, BUT QUICKLY MOVES TO PRONATION (ALLOWS FOR A LOOSER FOREFOOT STRUCTURE). The parallel arrangement of the transverse tarsal joints helps this.
What is the loading response phase?
Period immediately following initial contact to the lift of the contralateral extremity from the ground, during which weight shift occurs.
IN midstance, what muscle is responsible for slowing tibial advancement over the talus?
The Soleus
During what phase are the plantar flexors at work eliciting a preemptive force to counteract the collision ground reactive force?
Terminal stance
Ankle plantar flexors account for what percentage of energy expenditure during gait?
During gait the sacrum is pulled by the pelvis into left on left/right on right torsions.
Why yes it is. TQ!!!!!!!!!
What is toe touch weight bearing?
May place toes on floor to assist balance, but not to place weight on limb.
What is partial weight bearing?
Up to 50% of bodyweight through the limb.
What is weight bearing as tolerated?
Patient may place as much weight on the limb as they can tolerate with the aid of an assistive device.
When would you use a cane?
For light assistance for balance or to decrease weightbearing. Use on OPPOSITE SIDE to decrease pain.
What assistive device is mostly used in older populations?
A Walker. The issue is it has a high metabolic demand.
Name the gait. Shuffling type gait, no heel strike, short quick steps, difficulty starting, stopping, turning.
Festenating gait
Name the gait. High lifting of foot via increased hip flexion to allow for grand clearance during swing. Associated with foot drop/anterior tibialis weakness.
Steppage Gait
Name the gait. CVA, extensor tone in LE. Hip hiking required to clear leg for swing, pelvis stays retracted.
Name the gait. INjury to cerebellum. Movements poorly controlled. Erratic foot placement. Balance compromised.
Ataxic gait
Name the gait. lateral trunk lean due to gluteus medius weakness. Leans to side of weakness to bring COG closer to the hip. Pelvic drop.
Trandelenberg Gait