3 Ethics and acceptance Flashcards
What does professional accountants have a responsibility for?
To act in the public interest
What is independance?
Independence is freedom from situations and relationships would be perceived to be impaired by a reasonable and informed third party.
What are the two approaches to ethical guidance?
Principle based and rules based
What approach does the conceptual framework relies on?
Rules-Based approach
What does the principle based approach encourage accounts to do?
Use judgement
What does the ethics based approach encourage?
May encourage accounts to interpret requirements narrowly in order to get round the spirit of the requirements.
What are the 5 fundamental ethical principles?
- Integrity
- Objectivity
- Professional behaviour
- Professional competence and due care
- Confidentiality
What is the definition of integrity?
Members should be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships
What is the definition of objectivity?
Members should not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others to override professional or business judgments.
What is the definition of professional behaviour?
Members should comply with relevant laws and avoid any action that would discredit the profession.
What is the definition of confidentality?
Information on clients must not be disclosed without appropriate authority or used for personal advantage or members or third parties.
What is the definition of professional competence and due care?
Members should maintain professional knowledge and skill at an appropriate level and should act diligently ub accordance and professional standards.
What are the threats to independence?
Self Interest Familiarity Self review Advocacy Intimidation
What is a self interest threat?
Where the auditor has a financial or other interest that will inappropriately influence their judgement or behaviour
What is a familiarity threat?
The auditor becomes too sympathetic to or trusting of a client and loses professional scepticism