3 - Ethical Issues In Research Flashcards
The application of moral principles and or ethical standards that guide our behaviour in human relationships.
Power of group conformity experiment
Line length
7+1 => 2/3 said same length beside the fact that they obviously weren’t
Obedience studies
65% gave the potentially lethal shock
Prison study. Authority figures don’t need to be present to exert influence
Stoped the 2-week experiment after 6 days
Researchers societal rights
- objective
- unbiased
- report results
Participants research rights
- receive details to make informed decision
- voluntarily
- consent from
- anonymity and confidentiality
- safe and not harmed
- informed about the results
Research sponsor responsibilities
- questions they want answered
- resources available
- accessibility of data
- timeframe
Research dilemma
Balance rights of individual with the value of advancing knowledge
Refers to concealing the identity of the participants in all documents resulting from research.
Is concerned with who has the right of access to the data provided by the participants.
Anonymity vs confidentiality
Anonymity is a stronger guarantee of privacy but it is difficult to accomplish ex pre-post research design
Test A->B and B->A