3 - Employee Training & Development Flashcards
What is training?
The systematic acquisition of attitudes, concepts, knowledge, roles, or skills that result in improved performance at work.
Helps improve current job
What is development?
The set of activities that workers undergo to broaden and refine their KSAs.
Looks beyond current job requirements
When is training needed?
- Initial training after selection
- Conversion training (new systems)
- Organisational change
- Maintenance of skills
- Attitude Changes
What are the 5 steps in the training process?
- Needs Assessment
- Set Objectives
- Training Design
- Training Implementation
- Training Evaluation
What is a needs assessment?
A set of activities designed to collect data about what the organisation needs out of a training program
Asks what the training needs to accomplish in terms of;
- The organisation’s goals
- The specific tasks
- The people involved
What are the learning objectives in the training process?
What the trainee should be able to do or know at the end of training.
Should be derived from the needs assessment.
What factors should be taken into consideration when deciding on training design?
- Learning Objectives; information acquisition, skills development
- Principles of Learning; modelling, reinforcement, feedback, cognitive load, whole/part learning, massed/distributed practice
- Trainer Qualifications; should be knowledgeable of organisation/context, be motivated to train and understand principles of learning
- Individual Differences; literacy, motivation to learn, preferred learning style
What is fidelity in terms of training?
The extent to which the task trained is like the task required on the job
Where can training implementation training take place?
On Site; on job training, job rotation, apprenticeship
Off Site; lectures, AV, conferences, simulation
Mainly use combination
Explain Kirkpatrick’s (1976) Evaluation of Training
Reactions; did they like the training?
Learning; did they learn anything from the training?
Behaviour; do trainees behave any differently back on the job?
Results; did training have desired outcome?
What does training evaluation need to assess?
Training effectiveness
Did it work
What is training transfer?
Degree to which trainees apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained in training to their jobs.
How can transfer in training happen?
Initiation; does the person start using training material on the job?
Maintenance; does the person keep using the training material on the job?
Generalisation; can the person adapt what they learned as the job changes around them?
What are the four types of training evaluation in terms of design?
Pre-Post Design with no comparison
-max sample, avoids ethics, but don’t know if due to training
Pre-Post Design with comparison
- determine changes due to training, but ethics
Post-Test-Only Design with comparison
- good if pre-test suspect interacting with training, but they may not be the same before
Pre-Post design with non-equivalent controls
- less chance mingling between groups, but confounds from unknown differences
What are the future directions of employee training and development?
- Increased technology
- Continuous learning
- Diversity of the workforce
- Adaptation and flexibility