18 - Health Risk and Enhancing Behaviours Flashcards
What are some examples of health risk and enhancing behaviours?
- smoking
- alcohol consumption
- unsafe sex
- exercise
- healthy diet
- HPV vaccination
What are behavioural pathogens and immunogens?
Pathogen - the health damaging/health risk behaviours such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, fatty diet.
Immunogen - the health protective/health enhancing behaviours such as exercise, health screening uptake, breast self-examination, and low fat diets.
What are some factors associated with smoking?
Location; remote 2x more than cities
SES; lower 3x more likely
Indigenous; 2.5x more
Sexual orientation; more likely daily smoke
How has the prevalence of smoking changed since 2001?
daily smoking
- 2001; 19%
- 2013; 13%
never smoked
- 2001; 51%
- 2013; 60%
Why do people start smoking?
Modelling (peers, siblings, parents) Social pressure, social learning, and reinforcement Weight control Risk-taking or problem behaviours Health cognitions (unrealistic optimism)
Why do people continue to smoke?
Enjoyment (behaviour, taste, effects) Habit Physical and/or psychological addiction Stress/anxiety management Low self-efficacy
What are the recommendations for alcohol consumption?
For reducing long-term harm, no more than: 2-standard drinks a day (2-3 alcohol free days)
For reducing short-term harm (i.e. injury), no more than 4-standard drinks in a session
Standard drink = 10g of alcohol
What are the risks in the short-term and long-term of overconsumption of alcohol?
Short term
- Pedestrian, road and other accidents
- Domestic and public violence
- Crime
Long term
- Liver disease
- Cancer (oral, oesophagus, larynx)
- High blood pressure
- Pancreatitis
- Brain damage
How has the prevalence of alcohol consumption changed since 2001?
% population regularly exceeding guidelines for reducing long-term harm
- 2001; 21%
- 2013; 18%
% population exceeding guidelines for reducing short-term harm
- 2001; 29%
- 2013; 26%
What are some factors associated with risky drinking?
Location; remote 2x more
SES; higher SES more
Indigenous; more abstinence, but more risky if drinking
Sexuality; homo and bi more likely
What factors are associated with condom use?
Amongst women; age (less likely after 30), excessive alcohol consumption (less likely)
Men; number of sexual partners
Why do people not use protection when having sex?
- Difficulty/embarrassment in raising issue
- Anticipated objection
- Worry about STI implications
Lack of self-efficacy for correct use
- Reduced spontaneity
- Unrealistically positive
What are recommendations for exercise each week?
Moderate; 150-300 min/week
Vigorous; 75-150 min/week
What is the prevalence of people who meet exercise guidelines weekly?
Meeting exercise guidelines
- 2005; 30%
- 2012; 43%
Still quite low
What are some factors associated with exercising?
Age; younger
SES; higher
Education; higher
Location; major cities
Why do people exercise?
- self-efficacy
- lack of interest
- enjoyment
- time constraints
- modeling from family
- social support
- number of active neighbours
What is the prevalence of people who meet fruit and vegetable guidelines?
Meeting fruit guidelines - 2005; 54% - 2012; 49% Meeting vegetable guidelines - 2005; 14% - 2012; 6%
What are some factors associated with fruit and vegetable consumption?
SES; higher are more likely
Age; 5-7 55%, 12-34 4% 55+ 8%
Why not eat fruit and vegetables?
Parental socialisation
- Permissiveness; feeding practices
Perceived and/or actual barriers
- Lack of knowledge and skills
- Length of preparation time
- Cost and availability (e.g. rural areas)
- Consumers reluctant to eat vegetarian diet because of concerns about lack of nutrients and iron
A study in Victoria found things that encouraged 12-15 year olds to eat fruits and vegetables, what were they?
- Peer support
- Self-efficacy
- Perceived availability of fruit and vegetables at home
- Healthy eating value
- Modified by mother
- Self-efficacy
- Perceived availability of energy-dense food in the home
What are some factors associated with the uptake of the HPV vaccine?
Health insurance status (may not be issue in Australia)
Program location (higher for school-based population)
Recommendation by health care professional
Parental concern about:
- safety and side-effects
- initiation of early sexual behaviour
What is the prevalence of people with the HPV vaccine?
Girls 12-17; 71%.
Women 18-26; 33%