3. Ectopic Testis Flashcards
Alternative name for Ectopic Testis
Deviated testis
Common sites of Ectopic Testis
a. Superficial inguinal pouch
b. Perineum.
c. Root of the penis.
d. Femoral triangle.
Most common site of Ectopic Testis
Superficial inguinal pouch
Superficial inguinal pouch in Common sites of Ectopic Testis
- A pocket formed between the Scarpa’s fascia and the external oblique aponeurosis
- just lateral to external inguinal ring
ETIOLOGY of Ectopic Testis
- Lockwood theory
* Traction by sideway gubernaculums
Difference between Ectopic inguinal testis and inguinal arrested testis
- Straining
* Pushing of the testis
Straining in Ectopic inguinal testis in Difference between Ectopic inguinal testis and inguinal arrested testis
on straining, the testis becomes more
Straining in inguinal arrested testis in Difference between Ectopic inguinal testis and inguinal arrested testis
on straining, it becomes less apparent.
Due to presence below the muscle
Pushing of the testis in Ectopic inguinal testis in Difference between Ectopic inguinal testis and inguinal arrested testis
Testes can be pushed medially but NOT
Pushing of the testis in inguinal arrested testis in Difference between Ectopic inguinal testis and inguinal arrested testis
Testes can be pushed Laterally but NOT
Treatment of Ectopic Testis
Orchiopexy is much easier because the testicular vessels and the vas are of optimal length.