3 Database Administration Flashcards
Name the three different components of the ServiceNow Database and their definition:
- structure/component which contains records
Records (row)
- data stored on tables which contains fields
Fields (corresponds to a column on a table)
- individual pieces of data within a record
Where can you find information about every table and field in ServiceNow?
System Definition > Dictionary
Every field has three key attributes, name these:
Field Label
- user-friendly term, e.g. User ID
Field Name
- system name, e.g. user_id
- actual data
How can you access tables in ServiceNow?
Tables and columns
What is a reference field?
It stores a unique system identifier (sys_id) of a record on another table which is what establishes the reference relationship
In what ways can tables be related to each other? (4)
Database views
- plugin
Extensions - child class contains all fields from parent class (table)
Name the three one-to-many relationship fields:
Reference Fields
- select a record on a table defined by the reference field
Glide List
- select multiple records on a table defined by the reference field
Document ID Fields
- select a record of any table in the instance
What is a base table?
A table that is extended but is not extending other tables
- e.g. Task table
What is a child table?
A table that extends another table
- every child table is a specialization of its base table or previous child table
What is a parent table?
A table that is extended by other tables
- possible because it has “Extensible” set as true
What does the schema Map provide?
What colors are used in the schema map and what does these colors represent?
It provides graphical representation of other tables related to a specific table
- yellow is table in focus
- tables with blue bars extends table in focus
- tables with red bars are tables referenced by table in focus
What is a custom table?
A table created (not a core table)
Name i prefixed with:
- u_ if created in global application
- namespace identifier if created in scoped application
How is a custom table named? (1 + 2)
Based on table label and a prefix:
- u_ if created in global application
- namespace identifier if created in scoped application
Which modules can you use to create a new table?
Tables & Columns
What is created by default when you create a new table? (2)
Application Menu with the same name as the table Label (e.g. Infinity)
Module with the plural of the table Lable (e.g. Infinities)
What does CRUD stand for?
What three security levels does ServiceNow provide before an end user has the capability to perform CRUD on a table?
User Authentication/Login
- users, groups, roles
User Interface
- application and modules
- tables, governed by global system properties, governed by access control rules
What is an access control?
At what level can it be set?
A security rule defined to restrict the permissions of a user from viewing and interacting with data (tables)
Row or column level
Name the three security modules on the Application Navigator often used by the System Admin
System Properties > Security
System Security > Access Control (ACL)
System Security > High Security Settings
What is the ACL?
Access Control List
- contains a list of the instance’s access control rules