3 - Communication Flashcards


1 - How is communication changing between people?


Communication has definitely changed in the past few decades. From communicating through pigeon dropping letters we are now able to see each other while talking. Earlier people went on to meet others personally, but with advancement in technology people are now comfortable sitting in their room and interacting through smart phones. Instead of those long letters now see the cut and short messages.

1 - Definitely changed in the past few decades.
2 - From pigeon dropping letters to seeing each through video calls.
3 - Through advancements in technology world is at your fingertips.
4 - With just a few taps, you connect with your beloved one’s irrespective of the distance separating you.

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2 - It used to be common to talk to strangers. Do you think it’s okay to talk to people you don’t know?


I believe it is acceptable solely with the purpose of acquainting oneself with another individual or perhaps simply for casual engagement. After all, even our closest friends were once strangers at some point in time. However, if someone begins engaging with absolute strangers, with whom we have never crossed paths or share any common connections, it can sometimes lead to adverse outcomes, especially when one is traveling solo.

1 - Acceptable solely (صرف) with the purpose of acquainting oneself ( خود کو واقف کروانا ) with others.
2 - Acceptable, Perhaps for casual engagement.
3 - After all, our friends are strangers at one point of time.
4 - Engaging to absolute strangers, with whome we have never crossed paths can lead to adverse outcomes

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Do you prefer chatting face to face or texting?


Well it really depends, if you’re talking about hanging out with friends that I haven’t seen for ages, or if it’s an important occasions where a lot of people get together to celebrate a very important event in our lives, then I would definitely love to engage in a conversation with people around me. However, there are lots of occasions when chatting face to face is impossible. For example, most of my best friends are not living in Taiwan, so I can only text them. Sometimes if you have business partners overseas, you can only use conference calls or text messages to contact with vendors outside of Taiwan, so it depends on the situation.

1 - Depends on cirmustances.
2 - Love to engage in a conversation (When talking about hanging out with friends ; Important occasion where alot of people get togethor to celebrate an important event)
3 - Lots of occasions where chatting face to face is impossible.
4 - E.g (Friends not living in Islamabad ; Overseas friends etc)

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Do you think men chat more than women?


I think this is probably one of the most controversial and provocative questions that wants to raise the issues of gender differences. It depends on the situation again, if you’re talking about the topics that a lot of men take interest in, like technology, cars, gadgets, racing events, things like that, or airplanes, I’ve seen many online forums or podcasts where men and male audiences get involved and exchange ideas on these topics, and even the hosts are men. Whereas, with women, we tend to talk about topics that are more related to our daily lives or our feelings, so when women get together we tend to talk about what we’ve been up to, relationships, marriage, children, beauty, fashion things like that are more personal. So if you’re talking to a man about cosmetics, I don’t think they will be very talkative, but if you’re talking to a woman, they can talk at length about it.

1 - Controversial and provocative (اشتعال انگیز) topic.
2 - Can raise the question of gender differences.
3 - Depends on the situation.
4 - Male interests (tecgnology, gadgets, racing events, airplanes etc)
5 - Female interests (Daily lifes, feelings, what we’ve been upto relationships, marriages, children, beauty, fashion things etc)
6 - Talking men about cosmetics, they will not talk very much.
7 - Women can talk at length about same topic (Cosmetics)

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Why are social networks so popular nowadays?


As I said before, there are many occasions where face to face communication isn’t possible so social networking sites help people stay connected with friends and family in other parts of the world. So even if they don’t live together, you can still stay up to date with what they do through the posts they upload. Also, social media sites like Facebook, YouTube Instagram have already created a lot more opportunities to people who really want to express themselves, so we know there is a new job title called an ‘influencer’ or ‘YouTuber‘, and there was no such thing as that 10 years ago, but now they are just all over the place, they can make money and express themselves, so now it has become one of the most popular areas that young people want to go into. So I would say with social media some people feel empowered because they probably don’t get the opportunity to go on TV shows and show what they can do, but they can do through social media sites, so those are 2 reasons why social media is so popular nowadays.

1 - Reason 1
1.1 - Occasions where face to face communication isn’t possible.
1.2 - Social networking sites help people staying connected with each other.
1.3 - Stay upto date despite of not living togethor.

2 - 2nd Reason
2.1 - Facebook, youtube etc have created oppurtunities for people who want to express themselves.
2.2 - New job title called influencer ; no such thing as that 10 years ago.
2.3 - Now all over the place
2.4 - Most popular areas where people want to go into.
2.5 - People feel empowered as they don’t get the oppurtunity to go on tv.

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How can encourage shy children to talk more?


Ithinkfrompersonal experience, people are more willing to talk about what they are interested in. If they have the passion for it, you don’t have to force them. First of all, as parents or as a teacher, if you just want to encourage your shy friends, you have tospendsome time exploring what they are interested in andstartconversations with them that are related to their interests andshowthat you are really curious about how much he or she knows in that field. It’s very motivating, because people can tell when you are being sincere about wanting to know what someone knows. It applies to any kind of person.

1 - People are more willing to talk about what they are interested in, about their passions etc

1 - Encourage your shy children
2 - Spendtime with them in exploring what they are interested in.
3 - Show them that you are curious about how much they know about their field of interests.

  • Very motivating technique
  • People can open with you when you show sincerity and genuine interest towards their fields of interests.
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